Monday 2 September 2024


The sea continues to disappoint, but fortunately we had some cracking birds around then peninsular
Undoubtedly the outstanding highlight of the weekend were these 2 adult female Honey Buzzards that cruised up the Long Pits over to the ARC and lost over the airfield

This second bird was only a minute behind the first

The superb juvenile White Winged Tern performed excellently in yesterday evening gorgeous light

About to grab an insect
This juvenile Spotted Redshank dis a superb flyby for us in the wonderful light last night

Common Sandpipers
6 Common Sandpipers roosting on the raft
Several 100s of Oystercatchers come into roost on Burrowes

This Pied Flycatcher in a private garden on the estate was undoubtedly todays highlight 
c60 Yellow Wagtails on the Scotney Sward today

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