Thursday 5 September 2024


07.20-08.30 with RW from the hide this morning

Wigeon: 3NE in off
Kittiwake: 1W
Sandwich Tern: 68W    97E
Common Tern: 14W     18E   
Arctic Skua: 1W
Balearic Shearwater: 2W
Gannet: 105W   36E   
Cormorant: 3W    1E
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 2

As you can see from the above sea watching has not really improved. 
At the ARC The Glossy Ibis and Egrets are still around as well as a couple of Garganey, waders are virtually non existent apart from Lapwings and the odd Dunlin, Common Sandpiper and Ringed Plover.
Burrowes has enjoyed the presence of the White Winged Tern and Black Tern but again very poor numbers of waders. 
The Juvenile White Winged Tern gleaming in yesterday evenings lovely light on Burrowes

Juvenile Black tern on Burrowes this afternoon in a biblical thunder storm
Juvenile Common Tern on Burrowes a few days ago
Sandwich Tern at the fishing boats yesterday afternoon
A petite but very feisty 1w Caspian Gull at the fishing boats yesterday afternoon

Osprey over the Observatory yesterday morning
One of Two Grasshopper Warblers the Observatory yesterday morning
Garden Warbler the Observatory yesterday morning
My first Firecrest of the autumn the Observatory yesterday morning
At least 9 Whinchats in The Desert on the 2nd
Poor images of the Wryneck on the edge of The Desert 02/09/2024

Juvenile Spotted Redshank at Burrowes
Great White Egret ARC
Little Egret ARC
1 of 8 Cattle Egrets at the ARC
Reed Warbler at the ARC
Peregrine bringing in a Tern sp for the youngster at the power station

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