Friday 30 August 2024


Black-tailed Godwit from Hanson
An early visit to Hanson this morning mainly to see the reed clearance in front the hide that took place yesterday, it has certainly made a big difference to the viewing to the left of the hide. Surprisingly there were still quite a few birds around despite the disturbance, at least 4 Garganey, a Black-tailed Godwit, a Common sandpiper and a couple of Little Ringed Plovers as well as the Ibis and the Egrets.
Garganey from Hanson
4 Greenshank and a Dunlin from Dennis's dropped in briefly while I was looking for the WWBT
White Winged Black-Tern
A message from JY this morning that he thought he had seen a White Winged Black-Tern briefly on Burrowes, but also to view before he could confirm it. Several of us locals had a look around the lakes for it but drew a blank. Late this afternoon I went to Burrowes in hope rather than expectation, after a few minutes in Dennis's Hide I relocated the Tern and as far as I know it was still present when the reserve closed, hopefully it will still be present tomorrow.
As the Tern turned it seemed to blend in with lake
WWBT with a Sand Martin 

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