Thursday 29 August 2024


 The sea has yet to start to really produce the goods, though there has been a few Sooty, Balearic and Manx Shearwaters seen, but not a great deal else apart from Sandwich terns and Gannets. Hopefully in the next few days passage will start to take off both on the sea and land.


At the ARC the Glossy Ibis, Garganey, Black and Arctic Terns and Cattle Egrets have been the main attraction, waders have been few and far between, possibly because of the sheer numbers of Greylags, Gadwall and Mallard littering the islands, there are still large numbers of Sand Martins moving through the peninsula with a trickle of Swallows.


Cattle Egrets at The ARC

Arctic Tern at the ARC
Black Tern at the ARC
Little Stint at the ARC
Hobby, at Denge Marsh
One of two Juvenile Hobbys in the Denge Marsh nest 
Spoonbill at Denge Marsh yesterday afternoon
Spotted Flycatcher at the ARC today

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