Poor Visibility and a calm sea made for a very slow sea watch, just a couple of flocks of Brent Geese were the highlight.
I couldn't find the female Scaup or the Purple Sandpiper at Scotney today, the best there was a Greenshank. The Tree Sparrow flock and c200 Golden Plover was still at the old sand pit but little else.
The reserve remains quiet, with the female Smew still on the ARC and the Long-tailed Duck still on the New Diggings, a Bittern has been booming regularly on Denge Marsh, also a single Water pipit was seen there per JY.
Meadow Pipit on the perimeter wall
Black Redstart on the perimeter wall
Long-tailed Duck on the New Diggings still camera shy
Smew on the ARC is very camera shy
Redwings in a Wood Ant nest in Orlestone Forest yesterday
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