As the peninsular was fog bound this morning there was no sea watch. A wander from the ARC to Denge Marsh and back was pretty quiet, a Bittern calling half heartedly at the back of Hookers was the highlight. At the back of Denge Marsh hide a Mink scurried across the path, disappearing into a ditch after going through the anti predator fence round the hayfields. On Boulderwall Fields 67 Golden Plover were noted.
The Scotney Purple Sandpiper have itself up to me this morning
A cycle ride out to Scotney and Walland Marsh gave reasonable views of the Purple Sandpiper found by Stephen Message at the weekend, Greenshank and Green Sandpiper there. At the western end of the Scotney complex in East Sussex the flock of c100 Tree Sparrows is still present. The swirling masses of Golden Plover and Lapwing seemed to have moved off leaving a few stragglers. A Ring-tail Hen Harrier, several each of Marsh Harriers and Common Buzzards were over the sheep fields and set aside.
Tree Sparrows at the old sand pit which has now filled with water, so no Sand Martin colony or migrant waders this year.Tree Sparrows
There are at least 60 Tree Sparrows in this image
Little Owls enjoying the warm afternoon sun on Walland
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