Monday 12 August 2024


6 Wheatears along the railway sleeper posts today
An hours sea watch this morning was again very poor, the highlight being 3 Tufted Duck going west, only a handful of Terns and Gannets off shore. Another hour at the fishing this afternoon with Richard was just as poor with 12 Teal moving west along with 5 Sandwich Terns and 3 Gannets and that was it! shocking for this time of year. We couldn't even chuck some stale bread for the Gulls because os the anglers and the risk of the Gulls getting caught in their lines.

One of Just a handful of Willow Warblers seen in the trapping area this morning
1 of the 3 Peregrine youngsters
3 Hummingbird Hawkmoths on the power station perimeter wall this morning
The Great-crested Grebe and her chicks
There are 7 Garganey in this image
These 2 were in the Axell viewpoint pool with 2 other Garganey
Black and Bar-tailed Godwit is about as exciting as the ARC  has got wader wise this week
Wader passage has so far been appalling around the reserve, I guess mainly due to high water levels, but the levels are dropping but very little is dropping into Burrowes where once again not a single pair of Terns nested and even the Herring Gulls faired very poorly, Lesser and Greater Black-backed Gulls appear to have a complete failure, I did see 2 Common Gull chicks but I don't think they survived.
The ARC was also a disaster area as far as breeding sea birds are concerned, one pair of Common Terns has hatched 2 chicks, although they are still today, all the time I have spent watching them I have not seen them have a single feed, BWP states they are fed between 14 and 41 times per day. The parent birds appear to ignore the chicks spending there time chasing other Terns, there chicks are literally sprinting up and down the island beaks wide open begging for food which I have seen them get, its almost as if the parent birds are trying to torture the youngsters.
The Willow Trail Common Buzzard

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