Sunday 4 August 2024


4 of the 10+ Green Sandpipers in the Scotney sandpit this morning, also 2 Wood Sandpipers, 6+ Common Sandpipers, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 8 Avocets, a Greenshank,12 Whimbrel over and a few Yellow Wagtails.
What I believe is an early juvenile Merlin in the sandpit this morning
Willow Warbler were around in numbers today
I couldn't resist another shot of my local Little Owl basking in the sun
There was many birds at the ARC today though the vast majority were the local wildfowl, migrant wise there did not seem to be any new arrivals apart from Warblers in the bushes and a single Grey Plover briefly per SO.
At the ARC the Great-crested Grebes were nurturing their two babies
One of at least four Garganey that were present at the ARC today

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