Thursday 1 August 2024


A sea watch this afternoon with Richard produced the first Balearic Shearwater of the year but absolutely nothing else of note. I have been without a car for few days which is probably just as well in the warm temperatures of the last few days, I am now fully mobile so will hopefully get out more with the arrival of some migrants to motivate me.
The Scotney Sand Pit, East Sussex still looking good for waders despite the water level rising slowly.
A visit to the sand pit this morning found a Wood Sandpiper, 9 Green Sandpipers (down from a high of 28 last week) 5 Common Sandpipers, 2 Snipe, 2 Greenshank, 4 Little Ringed Plover, 10 Avocets including a very young chick, several each of Shelduck, Teal, Gadwall and Yellow Wagtails, all the Sand Martin holes have now been vacated. 2 Hares were present. A lovely site to visit the only downside is that all the views are quite distant. On the way back to the ARC I stopped off to see my local Little Owl

Great White Egret fending off an attack by a Lapwing
Catching and devouring a small Pike in front of Hanson

Yay, the Great-crested Grebes have a chick at last
Wood, Green and Common Sandpiper from Hanson
Green Sandpiper with Avocet chick
Mum Avocet with chick
Little Grebe from Hanson
The Leucistic White Cheeked Pintail was still present on the ARC today

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