Sunday 28 July 2024


The adult White-runped Sandpiper that graced the islands in front of Hanson Hide for a couple of hours until a Peregrine came through and spooked it. The Sandpiper seemed to be staying in close company with a Dunlin. In the above image you can see how much smaller the Sandpiper is compared to the Dunlin.

Up to 7 Garganey have been seen from Hanson hide recently, usually showing quite well on the short spit to the left of the hide. The first gorgeous lemon yellow juvenile Willow Warblers have started to appear around the peninsular.

It's the time of year when the juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls start to appear at the fishing boats, particularly when bread is thrown out for them. I have not spent much time there yet as there is very little passing off shore. 
Juvenile Yellow-legged Gull at the fishing boats

At the Scotney sandpit I had a magical encounter with a Leveret, for several minutes it nibbled weeds on the track totally ignoring me, it was as if it new I was not a threat to its safety. When it eventually moved off into the fields I carried on up the track to view the sand pit. I saw 15 Green Sandpipers (there has been up to 28 present) 4 Common Sandpipers, 2 Greenshanks, 12 Avocets, 5 Black-tailed Godwits, a Ruff, several Little Ringed Plovers, a few Yellow wagtails and the nesting Sand Martins. This morning there was another adult Curlew sandpiper there per Owen. 

Palpita vitrealia the only moth of any note to find its way into my trap

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