Thursday 11 July 2024


Lesser Whitethroats
Early morning at the ARC both Avocet chicks were present and feeding, other waders present were Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers, Common Sandpipers, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher and Lapwing, several Common terns were present and a Bittern flew across the lake. Along the track Water Rails were squealing, also a mixed flock of Lesser whitethroats, common Whitethroats, Sedge and Reed Warblers were foraging in the Sallows.
Ringed Plover
A visit to Rye with Owen and Colin where to be honest the highlight was Owens Madeira Cake. We did see 30+ Little Terns along with Sandwich and Common Terns though many have already left, most of the Avocets have gone but there was very little evidence of wader passage with just a few Dunlin present.
Common Terns

Little Egret
Sallow Clearwings
This afternoon in the woods some Sallow Clearwings came to our lure, a first for me, maybe another time I'll manage some better images.


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