Wednesday 10 July 2024


One of 3 juvenile Water rails I found in Hanson Hide early yesterday morning. The last visitors the night before left the door open and they presumably wandered in. The first 2 let me usher them out  but the smallest one kept running the wrong way, I trapped in a corner and released it hopefully mum was nearby.
The smallest one
Juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls at The Patch yesterday morning, distant shots only as it was very wet.
Sea watching has been rather poor this week so far with nothing notable. which is not surprising in this awful summer weather. The Avocets on the ARC now have 2 chicks 🤞 for their survival. Up to 3 Garganey are present along with 3+ each of Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. A single pair of Common Terns is on eggs at the ARC, though it looks as though a few more pairs may try nesting on the islands on Burrowes. Sand Martins are on the move through the peninsular and waders are dropping in, but you have to spend time watching as they are gone as quick as they arrive.

Juvenile Yellow-legged Gull 
2 Ruff with 2 Redshank on the ARC
Garganey at the ARC from Hanson
Some of the 72 Redshank and a Ruff that dropped into Burrowes yesterday
Redshanks on Burrowes
Smart Ruff and Redshank over Burrowes
Avocets and Black-tailed Godwits in the Scotney Sand Pit
5 of the 10+ Green Sandpipers in the pit
A flock of Greenshanks flew through the pit

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