First thing this morning at the ARC from Hanson of note still at least 2 LRP Fluff Balls, 4 Dunlin, 2 Marsh Harriers and a Common Buzzard, I couldn't see the Curlew Sandpiper but it was still present late afternoon, 100s of Swifts and Sand Martins over the lake.
On Burrowes 100s more Sand Martins, a Ruff, 2 Redshank and at least 1 Common Tern chick but little else due to necessary work being done on the islands.
Some of the 100s of Sand Martins
At Denge Marsh a Great White Egret, a Hobby, more Swifts, a Wood Sandpiper, 4 Redshanks and another Ruff.
Mediterranean Gull at the fishing boats.
Mediterranean Gull at the fishing boats.
An hour this afternoon at the fishing boats with MH was very quiet:
Manx Shearwater: 1 down
Cormorant: 7 around
Gannet: 21 in feeding flock off shore
Sanderling: 1 up
Black-headed Gull: c20 around
Mediterranean Gull: 2 around
Herring Gull: c50 around
Great Black-backed Gull: 5 around
Sandwich Tern: 15+ around
Common Tern: 4 around
Auk sp: 4 down
Pied Wagtail: 4 around
Skylark: 1 singing behind fishing boats
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
Common Tern at the fishing boats