Saturday, 7 February 2015

Egret Roost!

A little better today, as at least you could get out of the car without the icy wind cutting you in half like yesterday.
In 3 visits to Scotney the highlights were 2 Tundra Bean Geese, 5 Greater White-fronted Geese, a Green Sandpiper my first of the year, 3 Black-necked Grebes, the drake Scaup, a Great White Egret, 5 Little Egrets, a party of c30 Corn Buntings, 2 Marsh Harriers, 11+ Little Grebes and the first Lambs of the year there, but no sign of the Cattle Egrets probably because there was no ditch clearance going on today. They were relocated back at Lydd per DB.
Walland Marsh still holds the wild Swan herd and still plenty of winter thrushes to be seen there.
An early afternoon visit to the fishing boats saw no change on the sea, also no sign of any Caspian Gulls in the roost.
Late afternoon 16.45-17.35: 12 Great White Egrets, 2 Cattle Egrets and 15 Little Egrets came in to roost on the reserve and 5 Marsh Harriers flew through, also 1,000+ Starlings which attracted a Merlin, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel.

Thursday, 5 February 2015


First thing this morning at Scotney GP 5 Greater White-fronted Geese, (10 seen later) and 2 Tundra Bean Geese among the 100s of feral Greylags and Barnacle Geese present. The 2 Cattle Egrets could be seen following the digger on north bank of the lake, the 3 Black-necked Grebes were in the pool at the Kent end and the Scaup was hiding among c1,000 Wigeon on the lake. At the farm 8 Corn Buntings a little Egret and 2 Marsh harriers over.
2 of the 5 Greater White-fronted Geese today!
09.20-10.00 from the comfort of the car near the fishing boats:
Pintail: 3 up
Red-throated Diver:  14 up   3 down
Great-crested Grebe: c100 on sea
Fulmar: 1 down
Gannet: 54 up       9 down
Cormoant: present n/c
Kittiwake:  6 on sea
Auks: 9 up   4 down
A stroll around the sheltered north end of the Long Pits found nothing of note.
I spent most the afternoon around Walland Marsh in the warmth of the car watching the Wild Swans and winter Thrushes, but still went home early when heavy snow showers started.
Bewick Swan coming in to the flooded field!
It took me weeks to read this neck collar, now it shows well virtually every visit!
Whooper Swan stretching its wings!
This image was taken only minutes after the one above.Time to call it a day as another snow shower sweeps in!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


First thing this morning at the ARC no sign of any wild swans roosting. The lake was very quiet in a bitter NE wind.
Things weren't much better at the fishing boats where a just a handful of Red-throated Divers and Gannets were recorded in a very cold 30 minute watch 
Cattle Egret Scotney still just in Kent 
At Scotney the 2 Cattle Egrets could be seen distantly following the digger, careful scanning of the Greylag flock eventually picked out the 2 Tundra Bean Geese heads down asleep as usual.The 3 Black-necked Grebes were huddled together under the northern bank as was the drake Scaup.
This afternoon from the screen hide a Bittern, Great White Egret, 2 Smew and Kingfisher.
Late afternoon 9 Great White Egrets, 2 Cattle Egrets and 14 Little Egrets came in to roost, also c1500 Starlings put on a superb flying display harassed by a Peregrine and a Sparrowhawk, before they dropped into roost.  

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


As some Bewick Swans flew over Plodland last night, I thought I'd go to the ARC to see if they roosted there. Walking up the track to Hanson at 07.20 in very gloomy conditions I could here the Bewick Swans calling. I entered the hide and quietly opened the shutter to see the Swans on the lake quite close in to the hide. A quick count came to 86 Bewick Swans and a single Whooper Swan. Just to confirm that they were the Walland Marsh herd the neck collared bird was present, by 08.10 all the Swans had left the lake heading out over Plodland to Walland. While I was in the hide 2 Goosanders were fishing in the reed margins in front the hide, 2 Bitterns flew out of the adjacent reed bed. 2 Great White Egrets dropped in front of the screen, 2 Marsh Harriers flew over and 3 Goldeneye could be seen.  
 Bewick Swans
 Whooper Swan
 Whooper Swan
 One of the two Goosanders in front of Hanson early morning
 An artistic shot (rubbish) of one of the Bitterns in the early morning gloom
08.30-09.00 from the fishing boats
Brent Goose: 9 up
Shelduck: 1 up
Red-throated Diver: 11 up
Fulmar: 1 up
Gannet:   17 up
Cormorant: 656 up  it was such an exciting watch!
Kittiwake:  5 around
In a wander around the north end of the Long Pits I stumbled across a Little Owl my first of the year on the patch, but little else of note was seen.
A stop at Cockles Bridge found 2 more Great White Egrets, c200 Golden Plover, c400 Lapwing and another 2 Marsh Harriers.
The 2 headless Tundra Bean Geese on Herring Gull Island
At Scotney the usual 3 Black-necked Grebes, the drake Scaup and the 2 Tundra Bean Geese along with the feral geese.
Another visit to Walland this afternoon with MH added the 2 Cattle Egrets that were following the drainage digger in front of Scotney farm. We then went out to Walland and at various sites saw up to 30 Corn Buntings, 20 Yellowhammers, some Tree Sparrows and plenty of winter thrushes, also the wild swan herd at Horsebones Farm.  

Monday, 2 February 2015

An Excellent Day!

The car thermometer this morning was showing -3 as I arrived at the fishing boats for today's very slow sea watch 7.40-08.20:
Brent Goose: 10 up
Red-breasted Merganser: 1 up
Red-throated Diver: 13 up
Gannet: c100 fishing on the horizon
Kittiwake: 15 up  27 down
Grey Seal: 1 o/s
Red Fox: 1 on beach
Brown Hare: 1 Jarmans
This Robin was the only bird to pose in the trapping area!
A stroll around the trapping area and Long Pits found of note 2 Firecrests, 5 Goldcrests, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Woodcock and a Water Rail.
From the causeway the 2 Goosander on the ARC and 2 Great White Egrets.
Mid morning at Scotney 3 Black-necked Grebes and the Scaup, another visit later this afternoon found the 2 Tundra Bean Geese.
Neck collared Bewick Swan 053E!
On Walland late morning the 86 Bewick Swans and single Whooper Swan showing well.
The Whooper Swan
Moorhen getting in on the Perch action
An hour in Scott Hide with the Smew still performing!
Late afternoon from the screen hide at least 7 Great White Egrets came in to roost along with 4 Little Egrets. A Bittern gave a fly by view and a Kingfisher caught caught at least 6 small fish by the hide. 4+ Marsh Harriers crossed the lake towards the Oppen Pits.

20+ Bewick Swans flew over Plodland this evening towards the ARC presumably to roost.

Saturday, 31 January 2015


First thing this morning at The Point virtually no off shore movement, just a few Gannets on the horizon. The gull roost was once again non existent.
At Scotney no change, the drake Scaup over at the far bank from the double bends, the 3 Black-necked Grebes hiding in the pool at the Kent end, the 2 Tundra Bean Geese, 18 Greater White-fronted Geese and all the other usual suspects present.
A wander around Pigwell was bitterly cold and very few birds to be seen, though 2 Stonechats were entertaining, an adult male Marsh Harrier flew through and a Kingfisher flashed over the wash out lake. A quick look for the Cattle Egrets drew a blank though Great White Egrets could be seen in the fields.
 Out on Walland the Bewick Swans and Whooper Swan were still in situ. Plenty of Tree Sparrows, Yellowhammers, Corn Buntings and winter Thrushes at all the usual spots. A chilly walk around Coldharbour and the Solar Farm was disappointing though a Black Redstart was some compensation.
On the beach this afternoon I joined Mick and Richard, but despite there best efforts with fish heads and loaves of bread the Gulls just weren't around. If you want to see the Littlehamton Kumlien's Gull well, the boys will be there tomorrow loaded with fish heads, loaves and popcorn.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Bright and Cold!

A very cold watch from the fishing boats 08.10-09.20
Eider: 1 drake down
Red-throated Diver: 2 up
Gannet: 72 down    19 up
Turnstone: 18 on beach
Pomarine Skua: 1 down
Kittiwake: 32 down
Auks: 16 down  4 up
At The Patch 1,000s each of Black-headed and Herring Gulls despite much disturbance, but could not find anything of note.
The 2 Cattle Egrets were back in the field opposite Wraxhalls Aggregates today joined by a Little Egret.
Staring into the bright sunshine on Walland Marsh this afternoon, the Whooper Swan among 86 Bewick Swans, 2 Common Buzzards and a Marsh Harrier over. Tree Sparrows, Corn Buntings, Reed Buntings and Yellowhammers in the usual spots.
At Scotney the 3 Black-necked Grebes and drake Scaup still, along with the feral Geese and 140+ Dark-bellied Brent Geese
Around the reserve a minimum of 4 Great White Egrets, 2 Goosander, 2 Kingfishers, 11 Smew, 4+ Marsh Harriers, c200 Golden Plover, a Peregrine and the usual Wildfowl. An hour late afternoon at the ARC from Hanson saw 2 Bitterns, a Great White Egret, 11 Goldeneye and 2 Smew of note.
The drake Smew still performing! 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Good Memories!

As the weather was so abysmal here today I barely left the house. To keep myself amused, I thought I'd have look and see what was on my external back up hard drive, I ended up spending virtually all day looking 1,000s old photographs, which bought back some great memories.
The images below are small sample taken in May 2006 on a trip to Pelee with Dick Eyre-Walker. Pelee is such an easy place to go birding, with a tram service to and from the Visitor Centre to The Point if you don't feel like walking, if you do there are lots of good paths all of which are flat. The local birders are really helpful and want you to see every bird. One time while we were there they were running down the road to see a rare bird, we declined to run it was Black-billed Magpie! Hopefully one day I will go back.
 Blackburnian Warbler
 Black and White Warbler
 Black-throated Blue Warbler
 Black-throated Green Warbler
 Blue-winged Warbler
 Canada Warbler
 Cerulean Warbler (female)
 Chestnut-sided Warbler
 Magnolia Warbler
 Nashville Warbler
 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
 Yellow Warbler
Common Yellowthroat

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

A benign day!

07.40-08.30 from the fishing boats: With the benign weather today very little off shore movement.
Wigeon: 9 down
Common Scoter: 2 up
Red-throated Diver: 6 up
Great-crested Grebe: 172  up into Hythe bay
Gannet: 98 down
Peregrine: 1 around chasing the Merlin.
Merlin: 1 around
Kittiwake: 37 down
Guillemot: 9 up
The Patch hide under siege!
At The Patch just 2 Mediterranean Gulls of any note, although the 1,000s of Gulls present over the boil and further down the beach were suffering much disturbance. 
 The new rock flood protection for the Power Station!
 A beautiful Goose even if it is feral!
On the main pit at Scotney the 3 Black-necked Grebes and the drake Scaup still and later the 2 Tundra Bean Geese on the main spit along with the usual wildfowl.
 Feral Egyptians with some of the 148 Brent Geese present at the back of Scotney!
Wandering the paths at the back of Scotney enjoying the sunshine, a flock of 148 Brent Geese and 6 Egyptian Geese. Way in the distance nearly to Jurys gap 2 Great White Egrets. A flock of 42 Tree Sparrows just in Sussex were very flighty, most likely something to do with the 2 Peregrines that were putting on a superb aerial display and the 3-4 Marsh Harriers there. c35 Corn Buntings and 20+ Skylarks were also seen around the fields and farm.  
 The 2 Great White Egrets definitely in Sussex! 
 Part of a flock of 16 Corn Buntings in the farm
record of the 2 Tundra Bean Geese
The 2 Cattle Egrets were in the field behind the chicken sheds at Brickwall Farm, Dengemarsh Road early afternoon, also 3 Marsh Harriers there and a raven.
Typical afternoon view of Bittern from the Screen
Mid afternoon from the screen hide 3 Bitterns gave flight views, 2 Great White Egrets, 2 Goosanders, 5 Goldeneye and the usual wild fowl.

Monday, 26 January 2015


A busy half hour mid morning at the Tickner Lane seed dump, saw 30+ Yellowhamers, 20+ Corn Buntings, 20+ Reed Buntings, 4 Tree Sparrows, 40+ Chaffinches, 50+ Fieldfare,several each of Redwing and Song Thrush, a Green Woodpecker, 2 Common Buzzards, a Marsh Harrier and a Sparrowhawk.
At Baynham Farm more Yellowhammers, Tree Sparrows and Chaffinches, with Goldfinches, Greenfinches and c100 Linnets.
In the field adjacent to Horsebones Farm 84 Bewick Swans, the single Whooper Swan still with the lone Greylag Goose in tow. 
At Scotney the 1w drake Scaup and the 3 Black-necked Grebes eventually appeared from behind the gull island, also usual feral geese but no Whitefronts or Beans.
No sign in 3 visits of the Cattle Egrets in Dengemarsh Road, Lydd.   
1w drake Scaup, Scotney.
Early afternoon on the beach, the sea was very quiet and very few gulls in the roost areas.
The ARC was also very quiet with just 2 sightings of Bitterns, 2 Goosander, a Great White Egret and the usual wildfowl.