Friday, 11 November 2011

Winter Gloom

 Another very dull and gloomy and foggy morning at The Point with a surprising chilly SE wind.  A few Kittiwakes and Gannets moving west, 3 Skylarks came in and 24 Lapwing went out. On the beach  7 Snow Buntings brightened things up, the Glaucous and Yellow Legged Gull were on there usual stations and a Golden |Plover was running among the fishing boats. 
 At the ARC Pit 2+ Marsh Harriers, the Long-tailed Duck and 6+ Goldeneye kept there distance, 200+ Wigeon, 200+ Shovelor, 50+ Teal, 40+ Gadwall, 3 Pintail also Tufted Duck and Pochard. On the islands 1 Little Stint, 4 Dunlin, 50+ Golden Plover briefly and a Snipe. 30+ Tree Sparrows around the car park and Boulderwall Farm.
On the reserve Plenty of wildfowl on most the pits and on Dengemarsh 2 Great White Egrets, 500+ Golden Plovers, 1 Dunlin and 2+ Marsh Harriers.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Golden Plovers

 A drive around Walland first thing this morning looking for the Golden Plover flock and hopefully the Dotterel drew a blank.
Next stop the fishing boats 08.15-09.15 a slow hour:
Gannet: 40+ fishing off shore
R B Merganser: 7W
C Scoter : 6W
Great Skua: 1W
Kittiwake: 217W
2w Glaucous Gull and Y L Gull on the beach.
No sign of the Snow Buntings this morning.
At the observatory 100+ Redpolls trapped, mostly Common Redpoll. In the Moat 30+ Blackbirds and 1 Wheatear and far fewer finches moving today.
At Scotney 1000+ Golden Plover but could not find the Dotterel, also there 1000+ Lapwing, the feral flock of Barnacle and Emperor Geese with 1 Dark Bellied Brent Goose, 2 Marsh Harriers and a Merlin chasing Meadow Pipits.
Dengemarsh Gully held only 3 Redwing and a Skylark. On Dengemarsh 3 Marsh Harriers, 200+ Golden Plover, 4 Dunlin and 1+ Great White Egret.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

A Very Good Day

Very little at sea from the fishing boats this morning 08.00-09.00:

R T Diver: 7W                                           Kittiwake: 15W & 5E
Gannets: no count                                      Y L Gull: 1 on beach
R B Merganser 2W                                    2w Glaucous Gull : on beach                                     
C Scoter: 27W 4E                                      Swallow: 3W
Gadwall: 3W                                              Goldfinch: 500+ S
Brent Geese: 12W & 13E                          Redpoll: 20+ N
G L Geese: 7W                                          Siskin: 10+ N
Great Skua: 1E                                           Snow Bunting: 4 on beach
Auks: 44W & 32E
A plod along the beach to the research station and back looking for Snow Buntings was fruitless until I got back to the car where they running around and under it giving me the opportunity to snap away at them. 

 As the sun came out I made the short trip to Hythe to see the Rough-legged Buzzard which showed very well though kept its distance from my lense. While I was there 2+ Cetti's Warblers were heard, 3+ Chiffchaffs were in the sallows round the sewage works with a large flock of Long-tailed Tits, 2+ Sparrowhawks hunted the Quarry and mid afternoon 2 Whooper Swans flew West over. As I was leaving I was told of 2 Short-eared Owls hunting over Littlestone Golf Course, a few minutes later I was watching 2 them Superb! Next stop the Woolpack Harrier roost where a minimum of 15 Marsh Harriers came in and a Common Buzzard flew through. Sadly no Hen or Pallid Harriers came in.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Slow Day

Another very dark dull and dreary morning at The Point. The sea was very quiet with just a few Brent Geese moving up and down the channel, 100+ Gannets and 100+ Auks mainly moving East, 2 Red-throated Divers West. The Snow Buntings were still around first thing and the Glaucous and Yellow-legged Gull still there, overhead 1000+ Goldfinches, c100 Redpolls, c30 Siskins. A plod along the back of the beach to research station and back beyond the old fishing boats found a 3 grounded Redwings, 4 Blackbirds and a Robin. Also a Stoat by the fishing sheds chasing a tired Redwing
12 still present this morning

Redwing fresh in at the fishing boats

Hunting tired migrants among the fishing boats?
 Dengemarsh Gully this afternoon held only 2 Redwing (one with an apparently broken wing), 1 Skylark, 6 Blackbirds and Wheatear. The Great White Egret could be seen from Dengemarsh Road along with 2 Marsh Harriers.
The last of the year?

Monday, 7 November 2011

Snow Buntings

1 of 12+ very flighty Snow Buntings on The Point today
 Sea watching from the fishing boats 08.00-10.00:
R T Diver: 6E & 2W & 2 on sea                Kittiwake: 21E & 24W
G C Grebe: 30+ on sea                               Y L Gull: 1 on beach
R N Grebe: 1W                                           2w Glaucous Gull on beach
Gannets: 357E                                            Great Skua: 3W & 1E                                           
Brent Geese: 34E & 71W                           Pomarine Skua: 1W                           
Shelduck: 4W                                             Auks: 48E & 120W
Wigeon: 5W                                               Starling: 800+ in off sea
Teal: 50W                                                  Goldfinch: 600+ overhead
Eider: 3E & 1W all adult drakes                Siskin: 6+ overhead
C Scoter: 17E & 256W                              Redpoll: 1+ overhead
Goldeneye: 1W                                          Snow Bunting 5 + 7 in off sea
Peregrine: 1 hunting off shore                    Swallow: 1E
Sanderling: 3E

Just along the coast at West Hythe the Rough-legged Buzzard was showing well but distantly. The gloomy weather not helping photography.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Excellent Sea Watch

When I arrived at the fishing boats at 08.15 TG was there. The following is our combined sightings from 07.00-13.45:
R T Diver: 6                                      Little Gull: 2
Gannets: c250                                    Med Gull: 2
G L Geese : 250                                 Glaucous Gull: 1
Brent Geese: 1978                             Y L Gull: 1
Shelduck: 36                                      Kittiwake: 117
Mallard: 12                                        Great Skua: 12
Pintail: 14                                           Pomarine Skua: 7
Wigeon: 455                                       Arctic Skua: 3
Shoveller: 32                                      Auks: 691
Teal: 233                                            Skylark: 19
Pochard: 4                                          Blackbird: 65 See pics below.
C Scoter: 283                                     Redwing: 19
Goosander: 17 in one flock                Fieldfare: 38
R B Merganser: 88                            Song Thush: 3
Curlew: 2                                           Starling: 999
Knot: 2                                               Goldfinch: 600
Sanderling: 8                                      Redpoll: 1
Dunlin: 18                                          Lapland Bunting: 3
Lapwing: 71                                       Snow Bunting: 3 in one flock

Lapland Bunting came in landed briefly then off again

First Attack

Second attack

Third attack

Final attack

All over

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Damp morning on Walland

Spent the best part of a wet morning at various stops around Walland Marsh with RP and CT looking for the Pallid Harrier without success. But we did see 3+ Marsh Harriers, 1 Common Buzzard, 1 Rough-legged Buzzard, 2 Common Cranes, 3 Corn Buntings, 3 Yellowhammers, 30+ Skylarks, Cetti's Warbler and Water Rail were heard and small party of Crossbills were also heard over head with a Redpoll and Siskin, good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing, several Mistle Thrushes and 20+ Tree Sparrows at the usual spots.
Record shot from Hanson Hide 
At the ARC Pit 20+ Tree Sparrows in the car park bushes, on the pit the Long-tailed Duck kept its distance, 3+ Goldeneye and the usual wildfowl, 2+ Water Rail were squealing, 2 Marsh Harriers, a Bittern flew past the hide and 25 Golden Plover dropped in.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Pallas's Surprise

08.00-10.00 from the fishing boats: R.T.Diver 1, Gannet 171, Brent Geese 48, Shelduck 3, C Scoter 8, Kittiwake 94, Arctic Tern 2, Sandwich Tern 1, Y L Gull 1, Glaucous Gull and Goldfinch c4000.

When i went in to Hanson hide 3 other birders at the far end were watching and photographing tits in the bushes, so I settled down to scan the pit and islands from the front of the hide, after a few minutes I overheard one of the other birders say its a Firecrest as it has a bright eye stripe. Thinking I may get some good pics of the crest I walked to their end of the hide and they pointed out the bird, to my surprise there was a superb Pallas's Warbler which they had been watching since before I arrived at the hide not realising what it was. Also present on the pit 3+ Goldeneye and a Long-tailed Duck.

 News this afternoon that at West Hythe just a short drive away the Rough-legged Buzzard was showing. As soon as I arrived I saw the bird distantly and fortunately had better views later on though the light was failing.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Leach's Petrel

Sea watching at The Point 08.00- 13.00 was quite productive with the following totals. 
R T Diver: 5 
B T Diver: 2
Leach's Petrel: 1
Gannet: 457
Brent Geese:99
Wigeon: 1
Common Scoter: 120
R B Merganser: 19
Sanderling: 4
Dunlin: 5
Knot: 1
Curlew: 5
Great Skua: 1
Little Gull: 3
Kittiwake: 442
Med Gull: 1
Y L Gull: 1
Glaucous Gull: 1
Common Tern: 1
Auks: 381
Black Redstart on roof of visitor centre
On The Reserve 2 Black Redstarts by the visitor centre. On Dengemarsh the Great White Egret, 2 Marsh Harriers, 5 Golden Plover, 10 Dunlin, 1 Little Stint and 3 Swallows over.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Dull end to October

Very quiet on the sea and around the point today with 4 Swallows out, c400 Goldfinches with a few Redpoll and Siskins over. 2 Black Redstarts and a Stonechat by the experimental station.
A plod around the Water Tower Pits was even less productive apart from a few Crests, 2 Marsh Harriers and flushing a Bittern.
Once again Dengemarsh Gully was virtually devoid of bird life.
At Scotney 640 Golden Plover and the feral flock of Barnacle Geese and Emperor Geese, 2 Stonechats and 1 Marsh harrier.
Mid afternoon from the Woolpack 3 Marsh Harriers and a flock of 150 Fieldfare.