Wednesday, 5 February 2025


 As it was a lovely sunny still morning I gave the sea watch a miss, instead I parked up at the ARC and walked over to Denge Marsh, down to Burrowes and over to the New Diggings and back to the ARC. The 8 Russian White-fronted Geese were still at the back of Boulderwall Fields today along with the usual feral Geese and a few Curlews. 2 Great White Egrets were feeding on Cooks Pool.

Great White Egret on Cooks Pool
Lapwing at Dengemarsh
The Black-necked Grebe was still at the back of Dengemarsh but I saw little else notable there, apparently 2 Spoonbills dropped in for a short while a couple of hours after I left. For some reason the hayfields were devoid of birds, possibly the 2 displaying Marsh Harriers disturbed everything. Burrowes was also very quiet which was not surprising with all the work going on at Makepiece. The walk  over to New Diggings was uneventful but pleasant, on arrival the Long-tailed Duck was with a party of 8 Goldeneye but as usual about as far away as is possible. I glimpsed a Diver briefly through the bushes which I suspected was a Red-throated Diver, a short walk along the causeway confirmed my suspicions. Another Fieldfare was by the entrance track as was the Red-legged Partridge. At Cockles Bridge the usual 4 Cattle Egrets and Little Egrets. The 48 Bewick swans were still at Midley viewed from Cutters Bridge.
Red-throated Diver on the New Diggings
Jack Snipe on the reserve found with the Thermal Imager 

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