Pink-footed Geese and Russian White-fronted Geese
08.00-09.00 with RW Very Poor watch today despite a promising breeze.
Wind SSE 2-3 3º
Great-crested Grebe: 3E 13 around
Oystercatcher: 1E
Kittiwake: 5W
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 2E
Common Gull: Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 1W
Auk sp: 5E
Red-throated Diver: 7W 12E
Fulmar: 1E
Gannet: c30 feeding off shore
Cormorant: Present n/c
Grey Seal: 1
The first Black-necked Grebe of the year was showing on Denge Marsh early afternoon
Part of the group of 6 Pink-footed Geese and 8 Russian White-fronted Geese behind the Corale today
These Goldeneye on the New Diggings are part of the c20 strong group on the reserve
The Long-tailed Duck on the New Diggings remaining as distant as ever
There was a Red-throated Diver in the SW corner of the New Diggings this morning but no sign this afternoon.
4 Tundra Bean Geese on Scotney main lake about to swim from Sussex into Kent
Some of the 48 Bewick Swans at Midley today, a very nice herd but sadly only 1 juvenile among them, it wont be long before they leave us and hopefully return next November with lots of youngsters, though I have serious doubts about that happening. Also at Midley c100 Fieldfare and 4 Tree Sparrows.
Great Photos esp the Bewicks so majestic thankyou !