Tuesday 23 July 2024


The Avocet on the ARC chasing off those Dunlin that pose such big threat to its chicks that are larger than the Dunlin.😆 A wander around the reserve this morning saw very little avian wise, islands are starting to appear so hopefully will attract passing migrants. On the ARC the single pair of Common Terns hatched 2 chicks today, I feel they will need much luck to survive.🤞 Mama Shoveler has lost 1 of her chicks. There are still large number of Pochard and Gadwall present, up to 5 Garganey along with the usual wildfowl.
The Sandpit still has Green and Common Sandpipers, Greenshanks and Avocets.
Sand martins are going through the peninsular in large numbers as they usually do in July, also a couple of Swifts today.
Part of a flock of 20 Dunlin that dropped into the ARC today, photo bombed by a Garganey

Black-tailed Godwits that dropped onto the Cormorant island, 1 of which was bearing multiple colour rings, details have been sent to the wader ringing group.
1 of the Power station juvenile Peregrines.
Clay Fan-foot a new moth for me, quite rare on the peninsular.
Cynaeda Dentalis a common micro moth on the peninsular, my personal favourite micro a real stunner.

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