Thursday 18 July 2024


This Roseate Tern that was feeding at The Patch Tuesday Afternoon was the bird of the week, Thanks to Tom for finding and putting the news out.

Roseate Tern with a first summer Mediterranean Gull
Sea watching is still not very fruitful but hopefully will get better in the coming weeks. It's only a matter of days before the bright lemon yellow juvenile Willow Warblers start to appear, along with Redstarts and Pied Flycatchers and more, I live in hope. Huge numbers of Sand Martins have been coming through the peninsular and out to sea.
The sandpit has been amazing for Green Sandpipers with super 23 there yesterday and 24 today, also Black-tailed Godwits, Common Sandpipers, Avocets and a Curlew Sandpiper.
A couple of Cattle Egrets dropped onto the islands from Hanson today

Todays Wood Sandpiper was always distant
Mama Shoveler still has her 4 ducklings today
The Bitterns have been very difficult to see lately 

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