Sunday 15 January 2023


 It's no wonder I've lost my Mojo lately, walking around the reserve in the appalling weather basically seeing nothing away from Boulderwall, at least we used to be able to sit in the dry and out of the wind in the relative comfort of Firth and Makepiece Hide, but now the hides have been removed there is nowhere to view most of Burrowes Pit. Trying to view the far side of the lake from the Firth Viewpoint, or the Makepiece Viewpoint in the current weather conditions which are not unusual at Dungeness is impossible,  the screens offer little or no worthwhile shelter and in my opinion are White Elephants, I know the Makepiece screen is temporary until a new hide which is due to be installed later this year, but as far as I am aware the new hide is to be placed c30 mts further on overlooking the newly constructed islands, this sounds all good until you factor in that as the reserve has become 09.00-17.00 hrs opening meaning that on a clear day you will be staring into the sun for the majority of the day, it will also be close to the new islands which sounds good, but looking at the planned hide the front of which has large glass opening  windows to view from, I'm guessing any birds on the islands will see people moving about in the hide, let alone the noise of opening the windows consequently no birds. The island close in front of the visitor centre was  constructed so that the the Terns would nest there and be enjoyed by the public, we know how that turned out.
It's not just the reserve that is depressing and unwelcoming, Walland Marsh, where "the guardians of the countryside" have grubbed out most the hedgerows, those that are left have been flailed to sticks, then they ploughed right up to the very edges of the ditches now that this government have reversed just about all legislation.
The 59 Bewick Swans and 5 Whooper Swans are still around, as are the 2 Glossy Ibis, 5 Cattle Egrets and several Great White Egrets.
1st winter drake Scaup on the first pool west of Camber today

1w Caspian Gull at the fishing boats
5 Whoopers on The ARC 

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