Saturday 10 September 2022


Temminck's Stint still distant at Dengemarsh this morning
Cattle Egrets coming to roost on Dengemarsh this morning
A couple of visits to Dengemarsh today saw 4 Wood Sandpipers, 4 Green Sandpipers, 3 Curlew Sandpipers, 7 Ruff, 2 Greenshank, Temminck's Stint, 40+ Common Snipe, 8 Cattle Egrets, 6 Great White Egrets, 7 Little Egrets, Bittern, Hobby, Bearded Tits, many Yellow Wagtails, Swift, 100s each of Sand Martins and Swallows, lesser numbers of House Martins, 2 Raven, Whinchat etc.
3 of the 4 Wood sandpipers at Dengemarsh this morning
Ravens over Dengemarsh this morning
Grass Snake from Hanson this afternoon
A quieter day at the ARC but very nice to see the Grass Snake, Little Stint another Wood Sandpiper, a few Golden Plover, 3 Black Terns etc.
Green Sandpiper over Dengemarsh early evening
I didn't do any sea watching today but it was apparently fairly slow compared to recent days, just a handful of Balearic Shearwaters were seen, along with the Arctic Skuas, Black, Little and Sandwich Terns which have been hanging around in the bay for some days now. Highlight was probably an Osprey that went out to sea.
Starlings gathering in front of the house this evening
A superb Moon rising over the ARC tonight taken from the garden


  1. Hi Martin, like the grass snake, I've never managed to get a photo of one yet, I only seem to get Adders

  2. Hi Ken, I'm afraid we only have Grass Snakes on the Dungeness peninsula, no Adders.
