2 Curlew Sandpipers appeared at the ARC late afternoon, joining the Dunlin, Little Ringed and Ringed Plovers. Many Black-headed Gulls have dropping into the ARC through out the day along with at least 30+ Mediterranean Gulls some bearing colour rings that were readable. 100s of Sand Martins have been hawking around the lakes today with a few House Martins and Swallows. 3 Yellow Wagtails adult and 2 juveniles were feeding on the islands with the many Pied Wagtails. I found 5 Garganey among the hordes of Gadwall on the ARC, a Bittern put in a brief appearance late morning as did a Water rail, the 4 Glossy Ibis are still present. Great, Little and Cattle Egret can all be found around the reserve along with Marsh Harriers, Common Buzzards, Hobby and Kestrel.
Curlew Sandpipers
Several Common Sandpipers around the reserve today
One of five Garganey on the ARC late afternoon
Is it a Marganey or a Gallard
The highlight of last nights poor catch a lovely Peach Blossom
A mallard×pintail