Saturday 4 April 2020

Friday-Saturday 03-4/04/2020

 Red Kite over Dengemarsh on Friday morning, still a scarce bird on the Dungeness peninsula
I still haven't managed to see any Hirundines or Garganey, as usual I am expecting things to happen because it's April. Usually not much happens before the 3rd week though.
 1 of several Sedge Warblers now in
 White Wagtail Dengemarsh flood on Friday
 Greylag Goose on nest, Friday at Dengemarsh
 The 3 Barnacle Geese in the fields are now 7
Flock of Linnets in front my house Friday
 Lucky this ghost was calling otherwise I'd have missed it in the fog
 Great White Egret in the this mornings murk
 When the fog cleared today 2 Brent Geese had dropped onto the fields in front the house 
 Male Bearded Tit late morning a few 100 yds from home but not yet on the garden list
 Female Reed Bunting by Lydd FC not something I snap very often late morning today
 Local Common Buzzard over my Garden late early afternoon today