Saturday 6 April 2019

After yesterdays marathon sea watch I was feeling lazy this morning and had a lay in, fortunately AJG get up and kindly sent me his sea watch numbers.
06.00-07.45 from the sea watch hide:
Brent Goose: 4E
Teal: 5E
Wigeon: 6E
Common Scoter: 109E
Velvet Scoter: 1E
Red-throated Diver: 6E
Fulmar: 2E
Gannet: 81E
Peregrine: 1 hunting offshore
Whimbrel: 1 in
Little Gull: 1E
Sandwich Tern: 223E
Common Tern 13E
Auk sp: 1E
Stonechat still unringed
I had a wander from the observatory to the lighthouse, along to the lifeboat station and back through The Desert. 2 Peregrines and a Raven were seen around the power station and singing male Black Redstart on the perimeter fence. At Lloyds and West Beach just the usual Linnets, Dunnocks, Pied Wagtails and House Sparrows. In the lighthouse garden 2 Chiffchaffs were the highlight. Along the beach 2 Stonechats one ringed, 4 Wheatears only one ringed, which was surprising as Jacques has been targeting Wheatears and Stonechats very successfully, also several Meadow Pipits and Singing Skylarks. Coming back through The Desert was very quiet except for the number of dogs running around all over flushing just about everything, though I did come across a very confiding female Wheatear there. 
 Pair of Wheatears with no rings
Another Wheatear with no ring
Meadow Pipit on the beach
 Yet another Wheatear in the Desert unringed
1 of at least 6 Yellow Wagtails at Scotney
A breezy walk out to Scotney Farm saw 6+ Yellow Wagtails in their usual field, nearby 7+ Tree Sparrows and 2 Corn Buntings. The water level on the back lakes are very high with very little wader habitat, what islands that are visible seem to be occupied by Herring Gulls, Greylag Geese and Egyptian Geese.
Late afternoon on the reserve the Red-necked Grebe and Little Gull were still on Burrowes, but kept to the far side of the lake out of camera range, the 3 Cattle Egrets were in the Horse paddock, while from my driveway I could just about make out the Common Crane.

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