Tuesday 20 December 2011


Change of scenery today with a visit to Stodmarsh. Walking through the Alder Wood Blue,Great and Long Tailed Tits, Goldcrests, Great Spotted Woodpeckers and a small flock of Redpolls. At Marsh Hide the Glossy Ibis eventually flew in showing several times but always to far for the camera. 4+ Water Pipits were very mobile but one did come quite close allowing me to snap away. Reviewing the pictures confirmed my suspicions that there is a problem with the focusing as not a single shot was sharp. Also in front of Marsh Hide 2 Greater Whitefronted Geese with the Greylags, 4 Common Snipe, several Marsh Harriers and a Bittern flew through. As the day progressed the wind got up and the cloud came over  and the birds took cover.
Dropped into Denge Wood on way home but did not locate any Hawfinches.

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