The cold dreary weather continues with sea watching be like Groundhog Day!
07.50-09.20 with RW. SSE3 3º
Oystercatcher: 5E
Kittiwake: 10E
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 1W. (Adult)
Common Gull: Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 2E
Razorbill: 6E 5W
Auk sp: 31E 20W
Red-throated Diver: 68E 258W
Fulmar: 2E
Gannet: 54E 24W
Cormorant: Present n/c
Merlin: 1W
Grey Seal: 1
The Long-tailed Duck and the Great Northern Diver were both reported as still being on New Diggings, a Firecrest was reported at Scott Lookout and Water Pipits still on the hay fields.
Fruitless Harrier count this afternoon for me as none roosted at my reed bed, consolation was had with 2 Little Owls calling in the dark.
A male Hen Harrier roosted in another reed bed on Walland.
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