Saturday, 18 January 2025


A very cold sea watch with very limited visibility.
08.25-09.25  wind ESE 3   2º  Fog

Great-crested Grebe: 1 present
Oystercatcher: 2E 
Kittiwake: 1E   
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Common Gull:  Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 5E
Razorbill: 1E
Red-throated Diver: 154E
Fulmar: 1E
Gannet: 53E    
Cormorant: single flock of c2,000 drifted west past the Bouy 
Grey Seal: 1
1 0f 2 Cattle egrets at Cockles bridge this morning
White-fronted Geese in the distance through the fog from Cockles Bridge
After a very cold sea watch on my way home for a late breakfast, a brief stop at Cockles Bridge where 2 Cattle egrets and 7 White-fronted Geese could be seen.
A late morning/early afternoon walk from home to Denge Marsh Gully and back, saw the Yellowhammers opposite HRS, a Kingfisher at Denge Marsh a couple each of Marsh Harrier and Great White Egret a few Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails and not a great deal else. 
41 Bewick Swans were on Walland per GH, NB, KP et al was the only other news I heard of today.

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