Wednesday 21 July 2021


I met AJG just as he was finishing his early morning sea watch, his list did not inspire me to carry on.
05.15 - 07.50
Common Scoter: 8E
Gannet: 1E
Cormorant: present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 5W
Sandwich Tern: 7E
Common Tern: 5E
As you can see not inspiring.
We walked along to The Patch where the usual Herring Gulls, Greater and Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Black-headed Gulls were loafing around. The highlight was 3 young Black Redstarts from a second brood and a juvenile Wheatear on the perimeter wall.
On the reserve 4 Great White Egrets on Boulderwall Fields seen from the car. It was far to hot to walk around the reserve with no shelter from the sun as the hides have still not been opened. Maybe they lost the padlock key and the screwdriver, even the Screen Hide is still all boarded up, little wonder few people are going to the reserve.
Juvenile Black Redstarts

Juvenile Wheatear
A moulting Meadow Pipit by the car park
Lunar Hornet Moth in the trapping area this morning. thanks to OL for the lure.
Lunar Hornet Moth

Six-belted Clearwing at the ARC this afternoon
15 Orange-tipped Clearwings around the pheromone lure yesterday
Orange-tailed Clearwing yesterday on Folkstone Downs


  1. Great photos of Moths esp Lunar Hornet what Beauty, rspb Dungeness said on Twitter they were opening up the Hides obviously not maybe to do with new Pingdemic cheers

  2. Dennis's, Christmas Dell and the Screen is now open, the others who knows when or if. They've been closed for 18 months so you would have thought in that time something as basic as hide maintenance would have been carried out, so keeping the them in pristine condition!
