Sunday 18 December 2011

Steeple Jason 01/12/11 A.M.

We woke to find our selves anchored off Steeple Jason Island (one of the Falkland Islands) under clear blue skies and temperatures in double figures surrounded by Black Browed Alatrosses.
After breakfast the Zodiacs took us ashore where we had  a tricky landing  scrambling up the rocks to the shore.

Tussac Bird


The amazingly tame Tussac birds and Austral thrushes greeted us.
Austral Thrush female

Brown Skua

As we headed hiked towards the Black Browed Albatross Colony, we had to pass a Gentoo rookery  patrolled by Brown Skuas. Time was short so the Gentoo's were not given the time they deserved.
Gentoo Penguin

Striated Carcara

Striated Caracara (Johnny Rook)

Striated Carcara's were much in evidence even attacking some unwary passengers heads. Dark Faced Ground Tyrants, Black Throated Finches, Ruddy Headed Geese and Upland Geese were on the Hillside.
Dark Faced Ground Tyrant

As we walked round the side of the hillside the vista below opened up!
c.200,000 Black Browed Albatrosses


Rockhoppers were nesting among the Albatrosses.
Brown Skuas

Brown Skuas with Gentoo egg

As we made our way back to the ship we found this Steamer Duck with young.
Falkland Islands Steamer Duck with ducklings

Dungeness and Walland

At The Military Canal, Hamstreet first thing this morning 1 Great White Egret with 4 Little Egrets. At Midley still 10 Bewick Swans. On The Point the ever present Glaucous Gull. On the sea a few Gannets, Kittiwakes, Auks and Divers.
Highlight on the reserve was a Firecrest near the Denge Marsh Hide and 20+ Tree Sparrows on the feeders at Boulderwall farm.
Back on Walland this afternoon the 10 Bewicks had become 12, 8+ Marsh Harriers, 2 Ring tail Hen Harriers, 1 Peregrine, 1 Sparrowhawk, 2 more Bewicks with a flock of Mutes, 6 Snipe and 200+ Golden Plover.

Saturday 17 December 2011

29/11 - 01/12/11 North to the Falklands

Coming North The Convergence was relatively smooth  but once again the Drake Passage was blowing force 7 but thankfully no sea sickness this time.
We encountered most the species we saw going south but the Sooty Albatross was a trip tick at least to most of us and unusual find in this area. A Humpback Whale and several Fin Whales were seen but all were distant.
Northern Giant Petrel (Red tip to Bill)

Southern Giant Petrel

Southern Fulmar

Humpback Whale

Fin Whales

Black Bellied Petrel

Black Browed Albatross

These Blck Brows were just a taster to what we were going to see in the Falklands 

Sooty Albatross

Juv. Southern Royal Albatross

Blue Petrel

Juv. Grey Headed Albatross

Adult Grey Headed Albatross

Sooty Shearwater

White Chinned Petrels

Light Mantled Sooty Albatross

Common Diving Petrel

Slender Billed Prion