Thursday, 27 February 2025


 I thought yesterdays sea watch was poor, unfortunately todays watch was abysmal.

07.45-09.00 from the hide with RW, OL 
NW 3-4   3º    
Common Scoter: 8E  
Great-crested Grebe: 1E  
Oystercatcher: 1W     
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 1E  1W
Common Gull:  Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c   
Auk sp: 13E        9W
Red-throated Diver: 36E      12W
Gannet: 9E     3W
Cormorant: Present n/c
Black Redstart: 1 Behind Hide female
Meadow Pipit 2 Behind Hide
I did a circuit of the reserve late morning, a pleasant walk is the best I can say about it.
The Smew and Long-tailed Duck were in there usual spots per JY.
At least the Little Owls didn't let me down despite the miserable weather.
The Lydd Little Owls

Wednesday, 26 February 2025


2 Velvet Scoter passing East past the sea watch hide this morning
07.35-10.00 from the hide with RW, 

Wind SW 3-6 picking up quickly  6º 

Brent Goose: 27E  (3 flocks)   
Pintail: 3W   (appeared to be coming in from the continent)
Velvet Scoter: 2E
Common Scoter: 13E     1W 
Great-crested Grebe: 5E         3 present 
Kittiwake: 2E  
Black-headed Gull: 154E
Mediterranean Gull: 3E 
Common Gull:  17E
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 7E     
Auk sp: 58E     12W
Red-throated Diver: 104E      8W
Gannet: 18E      7W
Cormorant: c500 present
Harbour Porpoise: 2

Tuesday, 25 February 2025


Black Redstart behind the hide this morning
07.45-09.00 from the hide with RW, OL 

WSW 2-3   10º    Very uninspiring!

Brent Goose: 31E  (4 flocks)      1W
Common Scoter: 12E     8W  
Oystercatcher: 4E     
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 1E  5W
Common Gull:  Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 1E     
Auk sp: 2E
Red-throated Diver: 32W      5E
Gannet: 7E 
Cormorant: Present n/c
Black Redstart: 1 ringed male behind hide 
I spent some time with JY counting Common Snipe with aid of our Thermal Imagers, we found 20+ Common Snipe and 2 Jack Snipe, we would never have found the latter without using the Thermal Imagers, we also had a couple of Russian White-fronted Geese fly over and found 10+ Great-crested Newts.
Uncropped image of the first Jack Snipe
Cropped image of the first Jack Snipe
Uncropped image of a second Jack Snipe
Cropped image of the second Jack Snipe at a slightly different angle
Great-crested Newts
2 of the 3 Cattle Egrets in the Cockles Bridge Triangle
Barn Owl by Hanson Hide this morning
The female Smew was again on the ARC today and the Long-tailed Duck was still on the New Diggings
Blue Tits were going in and out of the nest hole they used last year on the side of Hanson Hide today
A Tree Sparrow nearby

Monday, 24 February 2025


A Gannet battling West past the Bouy this morning
The sea watch hide kept me dry this morning, despite it shaking each time one of the force 9 gusts struck it in the very wet and stormy conditions. 

07.30-10.30 from the hide joined by Owen.

SSW 7-9    10º    Rain

Brent Goose: 51E  (4 flocks)
Velvet Scoter: 2E (drake and duck)       5W (single party 3 drakes)
Common Scoter: 6E     13W  
Great-crested Grebe: 2E 
Oystercatcher: 2E     
Kittiwake: 8W
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Common Gull:  Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 5W
Guillemot: 15W     
Razorbill: 34W
Auk sp: 7W      6E
Red-throated Diver: 51W      5E
Fulmar: 1E      2W
Gannet: 55W      21E 
Cormorant: Present n/c
A smart looking Cormorant passing West this morning
A very smart adult Herring Gull
A quick trip to Scotney saw the the female Scaup at the double bends and huge flocks of Lapwings and Golden Plover swirling about over the fields.
Aftre lunch a visit to the ARC saw the female Smew but always distant, as was the Long-tailed Duck on the New Diggings. Very little else was seen in the poor weather.

Sunday, 23 February 2025


More Brent Geese on the move today
Brent Geese with an Cormorant escort

07.00-10.40 & 12.45-14.55 from the hide with JS, CF, RW, OL, SO, N & J Burt 

SSW 7   10º    

Brent Goose: 735E  (27 flocks)
Pintail: 2E
Common Scoter: 28E  
Great-crested Grebe: 3E      15 on  
Oystercatcher: 22E
Curlew: 2E
Kittiwake: 89E
Black-headed Gull: 196E
Mediterranean Gull: 67E
Common Gull:  61E
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 5E
Guillemot: 3E    
Razorbill: 4E
Auk sp: 29E  
Red-throated Diver: 182E     9W 
Great Northern Diver: 1E
Fulmar: 2E
Gannet: 83E   15W 
Black Redstart: 1 behind the hide
Cormorant: Present n/c
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Grey Seal: 1
Black Redstart behind the Sea watch Hide
Female Scaup at Scotney
The female Scaup was again at Scotney from the double bends today, also the female Smew was still on the ARC but elusive. The Long-tailed Duck was still showing poorly on the The New Diggings. On Burrowes a Great Northern Diver was still present at the South Western end from Makepiece. 5 Avocets on Dengemarsh were a surprise. There were no reports of any wild Swans on Walland today.

Friday, 21 February 2025


One of today's flocks of Pintail passing the sea watch hide. Many thanks to John Young for the image.
Although the weather looked as though it might encourage some migration the first 2 hrs were fairly quiet, with the usual lull from around 08.30 leaving me thinking it was going to be another slow February day,  then around 09.30 duck and geese numbers picked up and they just kept on coming, with Pintail in particular coming in record breaking numbers, a wonderful experience that will be cherished by those present.

07.15-15.00 from the hide with JS, CF, CP, RW, TH, PE, JY, OL SSE 5-6    11º    

Brent Goose: 2,283E 
Greylag Goose: 28 came in off the sea 
Shelduck: 2E
Shoveler: 65E  
Pintail: 994E    A record count for Dungeness
Teal: 3E 
Eider: 1E   (drake)
Velvet Scoter: 1E
Common Scoter: 65E 
Stock Dove 13  8 came in off the sea later 5 flew South out to sea
Great-crested Grebe: 3E  
Oystercatcher: 26E
Ringed Plover: 1E
Curlew: 34E 
Sandwich Tern: 1E
Kittiwake: 186E
Black-headed Gull: 309E
Mediterranean Gull: 60E
Common Gull:  117E
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: 149E
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 2E
Guillemot: 31E      2 present
Razorbill: 4E
Auk sp: 204E   13W
Red-throated Diver: 110E     2W 
Fulmar: 5E
Gannet: 128E   2W 
Cormorant: Present N/C
Peregrine: 1 present
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Common Seal: 1
Grey Seal: 2

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


A pair of Eider passing the hide this morning
 06.55-09.30 & 13.00-15.15 from the hide with CP, RW, OL    SE 4-5    3º      

Brent Goose: 595E  (17 flocks)
Pintail 8E   (4 drakes)
Eider: 2E   (drake & duck)
Common Scoter: 8E  
Great-crested Grebe: 7E       
Oystercatcher: 29E
Little Gull: 1E
Kittiwake: 485E
Black-headed Gull: 146E
Mediterranean Gull: 2E
Common Gull:  41E
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 1E
Guillemot: 60E      3 present
Razorbill: 226E
Auk sp: 714E  
Red-throated Diver: 263E    24W 
Fulmar: 5E
Gannet: 89E   2W 
Cormorant: 82E      36W
Brent Geese passing the hide today
Pintail past this morning
Elsewhere the Long-tailed Duck, Black-necked Grebe and 4 Water Pipits are all still present around the reserve per PT & RW but nothing new.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Some of this mornings Brent Geese
A lone drake Eider the first one I've seen this year
 07.40-11.00 & 14.00-1545 from the hide with JS, CF, RW, JY, OL  

ESE 4-5    2º    

Brent Goose: 621E  (14 flocks)
Shoveler: 5E   (3 drakes)
Wigeon: 4E      (2 drakes)
Eider: 1E   (drake)
Common Scoter: 9E  
Red-necked Grebe: 1E
Great-crested Grebe: 2E      3 on  
Oystercatcher: 14E
Curlew: 6E (single flock)
Sandwich Tern: 1E the first Dungeness record this year.
Little Gull: 1W (adult)
Kittiwake: 22E
Black-headed Gull: 39E
Common Gull:  10E
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 1E
Guillemot: 15E      1 present
Razorbill: 96E
Auk sp: 404E  
Red-throated Diver: 242E    45W 
Great Northern Diver: 1E
Fulmar: 2E
Gannet: 87E   6W 
Cormorant: 123E       364W
Black Redstart: 1 behind hide
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Common seal: 1
Grey Seal: 1
A very poor record of todays Red-necked Grebe
Black Redstart behind the hide
Apparently there was much disturbance on the reserve from work parties, so not surprising that there was no other news from the peninsula, apart from the Cattle Egrets still being present in the Cockles Bridge Triangle.

Monday, 17 February 2025


A very cold and a very poor watch this morning.
07.35-09.00 from the hide with JS,RW, OL  
E 3-4    2º    
Brent Goose: 12E
Common Scoter: 2E  
Great-crested Grebe: 5 on  
Oystercatcher: 9E
Ringed Plover: 1E
Kittiwake: 6E
Black-headed Gull: 16E
Common Gull:  27E
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 3E
Auk sp: 102E  
Red-throated Diver: 39E     9W 
Gannet: 23E   2W 
Cormorant: 27E       24W
Harbour Porpoise: 2 
There were 3 Cattle Egrets in the Cockles Bridge triangle when I went home for breakfast
The female Smew was on the ARC this morning per JY but it sucessfully avoided me, a coule of hours of thermalling drew a blank as well. The Long-tailed Duck was still on the New Diggings , as usual it kept its distance,
The Black-necked Grebe was still present on Denge Marsh this afternoon
Some of the 15 Bewick Swans left on Walland Marsh, I assume the rest have started their return journey.

Sunday, 16 February 2025



A party of Pintail moving East past the sea watch hide this morning
Even in the relative comfort of the sea watch hide the bitingly cold east wind this morning made for an uncomfortable watch. I guess I'm getting old!
07.30-09.30 from the hide with RW, OL  ENE 4-5    2º    Overcast
Brent Goose: 38E
Pintail: 37E   (5+9+23)
Wigeon: 38E   (7+5+2+23)
Aythya sp: 2E    (probably Scaup)
Common Scoter: 7E  
Great-crested Grebe: 2E    6 on  
Oystercatcher: 28E
Little Gull: 6E (single flock all adults)  
Kittiwake: 12E
Black-headed Gull: 9E
Mediterranean Gull: 1E
Common Gull:  7E
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Razorbill: 2E
Guillemot: 6E
Auk sp: 25E  
Red-throated Diver: 62E     27W 
Gannet: 176E   3W 
Cormorant: 180E       21W
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Grey Seal: 1
On the reserve the Long-tailed duck was still present on The New Diggings per JY et al and the Black-necked grebe was again on Dengemarsh, but no sign of the female Smew, though it could well be tucked away out of the the freezing East wind, 1 Water Pipit was seen on the hayfields per DB. There are still at least 2 Russian White-fronted Geese on the reserve per JY et al. The Egrets were all to be found in the usual places, a Bittenr was booming on Denge Marsh per RW. On Walland still 15 Bewick Swans at Coldharbour Lane per NB.
Late afternoon at my allotted reed bed no Harriers came in to roost, a Barn Owl flew over and a Little Owl was calling.