A just about typical sea watch this morning for this time of year, though there is a distinct lack of Auks.
08.00-09.00 from the hide
Common Scoter: 7W
Great-crested Grebe: 36E 4 present
Kittiwake: 19W
Black-headed Gull: present
Mediterranean Gull: 7W 1E
Common Gull: present
Herring Gull: present
Great Black-backed Gull: present
Guillemot: 5W 3E
Razorbill: 10W
Auk: 51W 14E
Red-throated Diver: 124W 3E
Gannet: 96W 9E
Cormorant: present n/c
Grey Seal: 2
Common Seal: 1
Hume's Warbler in the observatory garden this morning
After the sea watch a visit to the Observatory gave many views of the Hume's Warbler, but again trying to get good images is another matter. Highlight for me while I was there was a a flyover calling Woodlark the first on the peninsular for me this year. A walk into the TA was as expected quiet.
Long-tailed Duck on the New Diggings
Before a late lunch the Long-tailed Duck was viewable from the viewpoint at the end of the Outland Trail on the reserve, nice views were had with sun behind while viewing. though the bird seemed to stick to middle of the lake while I was there.
Black-headed Gull at the fishing boats this afternoon, gorging on the large quantities of shellfish being washed up. In the next few days much more will be washed up to hopefully entice some scarcer Gulls to visit.