Tuesday, 17 May 2022


A very nice Purple Heron flyby this morning

One of the Bitterns was quite showy flying to and from its nest at Dengemarsh

Several Bearded Tits were seen from the Dengemarsh viewing ramp today 
Spotted Redshank on the hay fields today

A Southern Marsh Orchid just coming out at the ARC
It's unusual for this many (29) Black-tailed Godwits to be seen on Burrowes
Common Tern from Hanson
Common Tern Displaying from Hanson
This Fox has been around The Point for some time, looks as if it has cataracts.

Sunday, 15 May 2022


One of several Spotted Flycatchers around the peninsular yesterday

An early start to the sea watch this morning, full of optimism in anticipation of flocks of Skuas and Terns very quickly replaced with reality.
05.00-09.05 & 13.35-14.35

Shoveler: 8E (2 +4 + 2) 5 drakes
Garganey: 2E pair at 06.13
Common Scoter: 86E     3W
Great-crested Grebe: 9 on
Fulmar: 6E
Gannet: 80E 12W
Cormorant: present n/c
Oystercatcher: 7E
Grey Plover: 2E
Bar-tailed Godwit: 2E
Knot: 8E
Dunlin: 1E
Sanderling: 34E
Kittiwake: 12E
Black-headed Gull: present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 2E        1 present 1st summer
Common Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 4 on beach
Sandwich Tern: 17E
Common Tern: 5E
Arctic Skua: 1E
Auk sp: 2E 3W
Peregrine: 1 in
Swallow: 5 in
Harbour Porpoise: 3
Grey Seal: 1
Common Sandpiper on ARC from Hanson
Also at the ARC 2 Whimbrel and the usual Hobby's and Marsh Harriers. On Burrowes 3 Greenshanks, a Grey Plover and a Sanderling of note. A Spotted Redshank on the hay fields this morning. At Springfield Bridge around 17.30 RW found a Purple Heron, when I arrived at the viewing ramp a few minutes later it had disappeared into the reed beds and not seen again in the next hour. Though around 19.15 Fiona saw it and again twice more by dusk. So an early visit tomorrow.
Bittern from the ramp late afternoon while waiting for the Purple Heron NOT to show

The same Bittern at the top Of Cooks Pool viewed from the entrance track

Friday, 13 May 2022


The watch started well with a party of 3 Arctic Skuas passing as soon as I arrived, but that was as good as it got.
Common Scoter: 3E
Great-crested Grebe: 2 on
Gannet: 23W
Cormorant: present n/c
Black-headed Gull: present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 1 present
Common Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 2E
Commic: 27E
Arctic Skua: 3E (single party on the first sweep of the scope)
Auk sp: 21E 
Swift: 9 in
Swallow: 18 in
Harbour Porpoise: 2
One of several Grizzled Skippers seen around the trapping area
Around the trapping area most birds were heard rather than seen, though my first Garden Warbler of the year was nice to hear and eventually see, also 2+ Spotted Flycatchers, a single Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Common and Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcaps and a Sparrowhawk with a trickle of Swallows over.
Male Sparrowhawk over the trapping area
Avocet in front of Hanson
At Hanson Hide resting on the small island a single Avocet that was flushed by a Sparrowhawk giving nice flight views before settling back down to sleep, also Marsh Harrier and small numbers of the resident wildfowl.
A visit to Old Romney failed to find the 2 Dotterel seen there earlier.
A couple of visits to Dennis's saw just 6 Dunlin of any note, another visit to Firth viewpoint was hopeless, even with the shelter, the wind just howled through the slats rendering using a scope virtually impossible, the only benefit is that you nearly always have it to your self, as all the public who said they'd prefer viewpoints don't seem to visit the reserve anymore.
A look around a very windswept hay fields found very little, though most probably anything there was sheltering in the thicker vegetation. There was a Cattle Egret at Cooks Pool today, 

Thursday, 12 May 2022


A very sparse sea watch this morning:
Common Scoter: 2W
Great-crested Grebe: 2 on
Gannet: 7E 19W
Cormorant: present n/c
Sanderling: 10W
Kittiwake: 9W
Black-headed Gull: present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 1E
Common Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 1W
Commic: 15E
Auk sp: 3E 1W
Swift: 7 in
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Grey Seal: 1
Oystercatchers in the Common Gull box at Dennis's hide this morning
3 Visits to Dennis's today, Kingfisher seen on 2 occasions, up to 12 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover and 8 Sanderling, just a handful of Swallows over the lake but still no Terns. I did visit the Firth and Makepiece viewpoint, strangely I had them all to myself, probably something to do with the wind howling through them.

Marsh Harrier adding to its nest at the ARC today
At the ARC apart from Marsh Harriers, squealing Water Rails and another Kingfisher, I saw little of note
and once again no Terns.
The local Common Buzzard over the garden while I was having a coffee break
Yellow Wagtail
A long walk around Scotney toady found just 8 Yellow Wagtails, hopefully more to arrive, 24 Avocets, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, 56 Dunlin, 4 Redshank, a few Corn Buntings, lots of Skylarks, 4 Tree Sparrows, a few Common Buzzards and Little Egrets, along withe usual feral Geese and their offspring. The strong WSW wind was probably to blame for the paucity of birds.
female Yellow Wagtail at Scotney
A smart male Linnet at Scotney
A Maple Prominent in the Plodland trap this morning, a scarce moth down here

Tuesday, 10 May 2022


The last 2 Pomarine Skuas of the day passing in the fading evening light yesterday at 20.08
Yesterday was the big Pomarine Skua day of the year with a very nice 86 birds seen passing The Point. I believe that 157 Poms have passed The Point this spring, I have managed to see a respectable 147 of them. The sea watching this spring has been on the whole good with hopefully more good days to come, though it will be nice to have time to go out and look for the many woodland and farmland species I have not seen this year due to spending far to much time staring at the sea.
Female Whinchat at Dengemarsh today my first of the year
After this mornings sea watch which saw another single Pomarine Skua, also an arrival of Swifts and Swallows, it was good to have a wander around Dengemarsh this afternoon despite the strong wind and cloudy conditions, seeing my first Whinchat, lots of Swallows and Swifts, 3 Greenshank, Garganey. Hobby's, Bittern, Great White egrets and Marsh Harriers along with the usual Warblers.
Swallows and swifts arrive in good numbers today
Yellow Wagtail at Dengemarsh, still only a few around
One of 3 Greenshanks around the hay fields today
Green Veined White

Sunday, 8 May 2022


The regular male Black Redstart in the early morning sunshine
Flock of Whimbrel past the sea watch hide
Drake Eider past the sea watch hide in the early evening light
Sea watching today was hard work but eventually provided Great, Pomarine, and Arctic Skuas, along with Black, Arctic, Common and Sandwich Terns but Allin small numbers. Whimbrel numbers were good and the first pulse of brick red Knot came through today. Full details cab seen on Trektellen.
Ring-necked Duck on Burrowes Yesterday
                                                       Ring-necked Duck on Burrowes Yesterday
The Ring-necked Duck found yesterday by Andrew Lawson was still present on Burrowes today. The hay fields provided most interest on the reserve with 2 Wood Sandpipers,  4 Greenshank, Redshank, Ringed plovers, Bar-tailed Godwits, a Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwings with chicks and a fine drake Garganey. Elsewhere on the reserve Bitterns, Bearded Tits, Marsh Harriers, 6+ Hobbys,  Reed, Sedge and Cetti's Warblers. Hirundines though are still virtually non existent.
Great-crested Grebe on the ARC from Hanson

1 of 2 Wood Sandpipers on the hay fields today
1 of 4 Greenshanks on the hayfields today
Corn Bunting at Dengemarsh
The 2nd Portland Ribbon Wave to grace the Plodland trap

Friday, 6 May 2022


Cuckoo at the ARC
The last 3 days sea watching has been quite frankly abysmal considering it is the first week of May. A good number of hours have been put in during the mornings, afternoons and evenings with very little return for the effort, as always though I convince myself that tomorrow will be better. 
There has been a lack of spring migrants on the peninsula, Hirundines of all makes have been few and far between as have other passerines. Only a few waders have been seen on the flooded hay fields, though 5 Lapwing chicks were found by CT, whether they survive the Corvids, Marsh Harriers and other predators remains to be seen, at least the weather looks as though it is on their side. Highlights have been 2 more Marine Skuas on the 4th, a distant Red Kite yesterday and Cuckoo today.
Sedge Warbler at the ARC
Gem the first quality moth of the year in the Plodland MV today
The new supposedly temporary screen where Makepiece Hide once stood. My mum always told me if you can't say anything nice don't say anything, I shall not say anything!

Tuesday, 3 May 2022


Arctic Skua
A very tired Bar-tailed Godwit that landed on the beach infant of the sea watch hide

 05.30-09.00 & 14.00-17.00 with AH, JS, PT, RW, OL
Brent Goose: 38
Shelduck: 2E
Common Scoter: 55E 5W
Red-throated Diver: 3E 1W
Great-crested Grebe: 5 on
Fulmar: 2E     2W
Manx Shearwater: 1W
Gannet: 138E
Little Egret: 1W
Oystercatcher: 12E 2W
Grey Plover: 1E
Bar-tailed Godwit: 64E
Whimbrel: 3E
Turnstone: 4E
Sanderling: 2E
Kittiwake: 34E 3W
Little Gull: 11E
Mediterranean Gull: 12E
Sandwich Tern: 36E
Little Tern: 4E
Arctic Tern: 54E
Commic Tern: 511E
Black Tern: 2E
Pomarine Skua: 4E
Arctic Skua: 8E
Guillemot: 1E
Auk sp: 60E      13W
Merlin: 1 hunting off shore
Hobby: 1 in
Swallow: 20 in
Wheatear: 2 in
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: c25
A short visit to both Scotney and Galloways found very little in the way of new migrants. I had just got home for lunch when Jacob messaged another Black Kite over the power station, I spent a while scoping from the garden with no luck, so I drove down to the power station approach road, where with messages from the DBO I managed distant views of the bird over the transformer,, where it circled up up and lost to view. I just gat back for another try for lunch when Richard messaged that it was over Christmas Dell heading for Burrowes, so another drive to the bottom of the ARC where I could see the Gulls alarming but no Kite! I scanned the ARC and saw the Glossy Ibis fly across and in the background the Black kiter over the Water Tower heading for the airport where it was once again lost to view. There have now been at least 4 Black kites at Dungeness this spring, another remarkable string of records for this species.  

Sunday, 1 May 2022


Pomarine Skua

Another long but very rewarding day staring out to sea, loads of birds and good company. 
 05.30-17.00 JS,AH,CT,LW,RW,OL et el

Brent Goose: 86E
Shelduck: 3E
Shoveler: 2E
Teal: 2E
Gadwall: 2E
Eider: 12E
Velvet Scoter: 4E
Common Scoter: 2,245E      87W
Red-breasted Merganser: 1E
Red-throated Diver: 47E    3W
Black-throated Diver: 4E
Great Northern Diver: 4E
Great-crested Grebe: 3 on
Fulmar: 10E     6W 
Gannet: 186E 
Cormorant: present n/c
Grey Heron: 1 in
Kestrel: 1 in
Oystercatcher: 18E
Bar-tailed Godwit: 11E
Whimbrel: 43E
Sanderling: 12E
Kittiwake: 190E
Black-headed Gull: present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 6E 
Common Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Little Tern: 53E
Sandwich Tern: 89E
Commic Tern: 1,442E
Great Skua: 14E
Pomarine Skua: 20E
Arctic Skua: 20E
Skua sp: 3E 
Guillemot: 2E 
Auk sp: 58E
Kestrel: 1 in
Swallow: 59 in
Wheatear: 1 on top of hide
Carrion Crow: 1 in
Harbour Porpoise: 10+
Grey Seal: 1
2 Pomarine Skuas
3 Pomarine Skuas
Eider, shame the Poms weren't so obliging