Yesterday I spent the afternoon at Copt Point reading rings on Mediterranean Gulls, there was only about 150 birds present but I still managed to read 16 rings, one of which was a Hungarian bird. See map and life history below.
Mediterranean Gull Red ring marked H0A7
Date; Place; Country; Latitude;Longitude; Name
2012.06.19.; ;Bugyi (Kavics Union);Hungary; 48;47.2038;19.135; Privigyei Csaba;
2012.08.02.; ;Wissant (beach);France; 07;50.8875;1.6583; Renaud Flamant;
2013.08.19.; ;Wissant (Stubblefield);France; 07;50.8791;1.6697; Jürgen Steudtner;
2013.10.14.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2013.10.15.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2017.04.21.; ;Antwerpen (Total-colony);Belgium; 20;51.2569;4.325; Renaud Flamant;
2018.03.04.; ;Boulogne-sur-Mer;France; 07;50.7333;1.5833; Eric Petit-Berghem;
2018.08.12.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Renaud Flamant;
2018.09.19.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2018.09.20.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2019.08.25.; ;Folkestone (Copt Point); (UK); 51.0833;1.1833; Renaud Flamant;
2019.08.29.; ;Folkestone (Copt Point); (UK); 51.0833;1.1833; Renaud Flamant;
2019.10.10.; ;Folkestone (Copt Point); (UK); 51.0834;1.1993; Martin Casemore;
As today was such a wet and windy day sea watching was thing to do today:
07.00-10.00 with PE and AJG who kindly collated the numbers:
Common Scoter: 5W 6E
Sooty Shearwater: 2W
Gannet : 1,761W
Cormorant: present n/c
Great Skua: 2W
Arctic Skua: 22W 2 around
Little Gull: 1W
Kittiwake: 21W
Sandwich Tern: 704W
Guillemot: 1W
Razorbill: 44W
Auk sp: 47W
A brief look at the Boulderwall Fields saw 3 Cattle Egrets and not much else.
13.45-16.45 from the fishing boats with CP & OL.
Red-throated Diver: 1 around
Great-crested Grebe: 7 around
Shearwater sp: 1W
Gannet: 233W
Cormorant: 57W
Arctic Skua: 12W 4 around
Kittiwake: 4W
Black-headed Gull: 142W
Common Gull: 6W
Sandwich Tern: 272W
Guillemot: 1W
Razorbill: 17W
Auk sp: 13W
Swallow: 3 out
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
Grey Seal: 1
Common Seal: 1
Mediterranean Gull Red ring marked H0A7
Date; Place; Country; Latitude;Longitude; Name
2012.06.19.; ;Bugyi (Kavics Union);Hungary; 48;47.2038;19.135; Privigyei Csaba;
2012.08.02.; ;Wissant (beach);France; 07;50.8875;1.6583; Renaud Flamant;
2013.08.19.; ;Wissant (Stubblefield);France; 07;50.8791;1.6697; Jürgen Steudtner;
2013.10.14.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2013.10.15.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2017.04.21.; ;Antwerpen (Total-colony);Belgium; 20;51.2569;4.325; Renaud Flamant;
2018.03.04.; ;Boulogne-sur-Mer;France; 07;50.7333;1.5833; Eric Petit-Berghem;
2018.08.12.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Renaud Flamant;
2018.09.19.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2018.09.20.; ;Strouanne (Cap Blanc-Nez);France; 07;50.9002;1.6758; Jürgen Steudtner;
2019.08.25.; ;Folkestone (Copt Point); (UK); 51.0833;1.1833; Renaud Flamant;
2019.08.29.; ;Folkestone (Copt Point); (UK); 51.0833;1.1833; Renaud Flamant;
2019.10.10.; ;Folkestone (Copt Point); (UK); 51.0834;1.1993; Martin Casemore;
As today was such a wet and windy day sea watching was thing to do today:
07.00-10.00 with PE and AJG who kindly collated the numbers:
Common Scoter: 5W 6E
Sooty Shearwater: 2W
Gannet : 1,761W
Cormorant: present n/c
Great Skua: 2W
Arctic Skua: 22W 2 around
Little Gull: 1W
Kittiwake: 21W
Sandwich Tern: 704W
Guillemot: 1W
Razorbill: 44W
Auk sp: 47W
A brief look at the Boulderwall Fields saw 3 Cattle Egrets and not much else.
13.45-16.45 from the fishing boats with CP & OL.
Red-throated Diver: 1 around
Great-crested Grebe: 7 around
Shearwater sp: 1W
Gannet: 233W
Cormorant: 57W
Arctic Skua: 12W 4 around
Kittiwake: 4W
Black-headed Gull: 142W
Common Gull: 6W
Sandwich Tern: 272W
Guillemot: 1W
Razorbill: 17W
Auk sp: 13W
Swallow: 3 out
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
Grey Seal: 1
Common Seal: 1