Saturday, 28 September 2019

Saturday 28/09/19

06:30-09:30 with AJG,DW,RW,CP,OL et al
Brent Goose: 1E
Common Scoter: 3E   2W
Great-crested Grebe: 5 around
Balearic Shearwater: 2W
Gannet: 285W
Cormorant: present n/c
Turnstone: 7 around
Arctic Skua: 33W
Sandwich tern: 166W
Razorbill: 9W
Swallow: 158 out
Meadow pipit: 240 in
Linnet: 15 in
 Common Tern showing characteristics of the Eastern race Longipennis above image by Colin Turley
A couple of hours spent in Hanson Hide this afternoon looking at a possible Eastern Common Tern picked out by David Walker.
Also at the ARC 3 Little Gulls, a Black Tern, a Garganey, 3 Cattle Egrets, 3 Black-tailed Godwits, 3 Greenshank and the usual Ducks and Grebes.
 Grass Snake in front of the hide
 Shoveler with nasal band
This Shoveler has returned to the ARC for the last 3 years at least, it's nasal band was put on in Portugal.
 3 noisy Greenshanks from the hide
Common Gull JJ392 on the ARC from Hanson this afternoon
CR-Code White ring with black code: JJ392 LBM;RBWN(JJ392)
Ringing Centre Stavanger Museum (Norway) Ring number 5197815
Species Common Gull  Larus canus 
Sex Unknown Age Pullus
Ringed on 05.07 2018 at  Godalen VGS, Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway  Husebø, Håvard

Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday 27/09/2019

Another day of strong SW winds and heavy blustery showers meant a day of sea watching.
Rock Pipit this morning, the first to be ringed at the observatory for many years
06.45-10.30 from the hide: with AJG, CP, LH & PH
Brent Goose: 5W
Common Scoter: 2W.  14E
Red-throated diver: 1W
Balearic Shearwater: 15W
Gannet: 408W
Marsh harrier: 1 out
Merlin: 1 in
Great skua: 2W
Arctic Skua: 60W. 5 around
Mediterranean Gull: 4W
Yellow-legged Gull: 1W
Sandwich Tern: 610W
Common Tern: 8W
Guillemot: 4W
Razorbill: 16W
Auk sp: 24W   6E
Meadow Pipit: 600in
Swallow: 200 out

After lunch and a few domestic chores it was back to sea, this time from the fishing boats.
13.30- 17.00 joined by AJG, PH, LH, JTM, DW, PT, SM
Great-crested Grebe: 9 around
Red-throated Diver: 2W
Balearic Shearwater: 5W
Gannet: 126W
Cormorant: present n/c
Turnstone: 3 around
Grey Phalarope: 1W (Juvenile not yet moulted to 1w my opinion only)
Arctic Skua: 28W
Mediterranean Gull: 1 around
Sandwich Tern: 284W
Common Tern: 4W
Razorbill: 9W
Auk sp: 28W   4E
Swallow: 93 out
Grey Seal: 2
Harbour Porpoise: 3
I did not visit the ARC today but from those who did it appears there is little change there, 2 Little Gulls, a Black Tern, all 3 Egret species, Garganey, Greenshanks etc.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Balearic Shearwaters!

A superb day staring at the sea mainly from the sea watch hide, which when the winds were at their strongest was definitely shaking , so whether it will still be there after Sundays predicted storm is anyone's guess. 
09:45-16:30 with AJG,OL,JTM,CP,DW et al
Teal: 1W
Common Scoter: 10E  11W
Red-throated Diver: 2W
Great-crested Grebe: 3 on
Balearic Shearwater: 57W (the second highest day total per DW)
Gannet: 281W
Cormorant: present n/c
Great Skua; 3W  2E
Arctic Skua: 116W    4+ around
Kittiwake: 1W
Sandwich Tern: 794W
Common Tern: 10W
Black Tern: 2W
Guillemot: 6W    1E
Razorbill: 4W
Auk sp: 8E    28W
Swallow: 151 out
Meadow Pipit: 216 out
Harbour Porpoise: 2+ around
Grey Seal: 1 around

Early evening at the ARC from Hanson 2 Little Gulls (adult + Juvenile), a Black Tern, a Garganey, 1 each of Cattle, Great White and Little Egret, 4 Greenshank, 2 Common Terns, lots of Hirundines and an adult male Sparrowhawk flushing everything.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Wednesday 25/09/2019

A relatively close Balearic Shearwater over a stormy sea today
A very enjoyable day was spent mostly sea watching in the relative comfort of the sea watching hide and the shelter of the fishing boats, trying to pick out passing Shearwaters and Skuas among the many Sandwich Terns and Gannets.
07.00-09.00 & 13.00-17.00 with AJG, RW, JTM, OL, CT, MF & DW
Common Scoter: 9W   4E
Red-throated Diver: 1W
Great-crested Grebe: 2 around
Fulmar: 1W
Sooty Shearwater: 2W
Balearic Shearwater: 7W   1E
Shearwater sp: 4W
Gannet: 752W
Cormorant: present n/c
Dunlin: 2W
Great Skua: 10w  1E
Arctic Skua: 72W
Kittiwake: 1W
Sandwich Tern: 1,033W
Common Tern: 11W
Guillemot: 1W
Auk sp: 15W     8E
Swift: 1 out
Swallow: 129 out
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
Grey Seal: 1+
Cattle Egrets from Hanson late morning
A late morning visit to Hanson Hide found 2 Greenshank, a Ruff, a Dunlin, 2 Common Snipe, a Little Gull, 2 Black Terns, a Garganey, 2 Cattle Egrets, a Great White Egret, squealing Water Rails, 5 Pintail, 100s of Hirundines and the usual wildfowl.
 Garganey from Hanson this morning
Little Gull from Hanson this morning
A damp Wheatear by the track to the VC
On Burrowes 2 Common Sandpipers, 5 Dunlin, a Black-necked Grebe and more squealing Water Rails were noted.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

24th September!

Record image of 1 of at least 5 Balearic Shearwaters past today
A day of mainly sea watching, often in very damp conditions:
06.45-09.00, 11.00-13.00, 15.00-17.30 with CP, OL, JTM, PT and DW:
Brent Goose: 4W
Shoveler: 1W
Common Scoter: 16W
Balearic Shearwater: 5W
Gannet: 845W
Ringed Plover: 2W
Great Skua: 4W    1E
Pomarine Skua: 1W adult
Arctic Skua: 32W  6+around
Yellow-legged Gull: 1 around
Sandwich Tern: 1,214W
Common Tern: 57W
Guillemot: 5W
Razorbill: 5W
Auk sp: 6W
Swallow: 186 out
Harbour Porpoise: 4+
Grey Seal: 1
A short visit to the ARC late morning saw 2 Cattle Egrets, a Great White Egret, a Greenshank, a Ruff, 15 Dunlin, a Garganey but little else of note.
This map depicts the known travels of a Mediterranean Gull red colour ringed as a Pullus (H5U2) on 18/06/2015. I saw this bird at Copt Point on 14/09/2019.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Monday 23rd

06.20-09.00 from the sea watch hide with Ol and AJG who kindly collated the numbers:
Common Scoter: 6W
Red-throated Diver: 1W
Gannet: 660W  320 feeding off shore
Cormorant: present n/c
Kittiwake: 6W
Mediterranean Gull: 23W
Great Skua: 3W
Arctic Skua: 16W   1E
Sandwich Tern: 806W
Common Tern 5W
Razorbill: 4W
Guillemot: 1W
Meadow Pipit: 7 in
Swallow: 4 out

A  distant Osprey over the New Excavations being chased by Egyptian Geese
The reserve was very quiet, the highlight being an Osprey, the Little stint was still present with 2 Common Sandpipers, also the Black-necked grebe still present.
Another sea watch this afternoon from the fishing boats 13.00-14.30 with AJG, RS & JTM
Great-crested Grebe: 1W    1 on
Balearic Shearwater: 1W
Gannet: 11W   3E
Arctic Skua: 6 around
Common Tern: 8W
Sandwich Tern: 52W
Guillemot: 1W.    2 on
Swallow: 129 out

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Sunday 22/09/2019

06:20-08:30 from the sea watch hide with SO, AJG, JTM & CP
Common Scoter: 21E   7W
Eider: 4E
Red-throated diver: 1E   1W
Gannet: 188E   109W
Cormorant: present n/c
Oystercatcher: 11E
Great Skua: 6E    5W
Arctic Skua: 1E    3W
Kittiwake: 6E    1W
Mediterranean Gull: 72E    41W
Sandwich tern: 1,730W
Common Tern: 14W
Razorbill: 1E   1 on
Swallow: 104 out
Harbour Porpoise: 8+
Dolphin sp:1
Grey Seal: 1

At The ARC the now seemingly resident Great White, Cattle and Little Egret, a Ruff, 3 Common Snipe, 7 Black-tailed Godwits and the first Goldeneye of the autumn along with the commoner wildfowl.

The trapping area was again quiet with a Firecrest and Goldcrest, Common and Lesser Whitethroat and Blackcaps per JTM.

12:20-14.20 from the sea watch hide per AJG:
Gannet: 189W
Arctic Skua: 9W
Kittiwake: 7 on sea
Mediterranean Gull: 5 on sea
Sandwich Tern: 237W
Auk sp 1 up
 Little Stint and 2 Dunlin from Firth this evening
I spent most of this afternoon and early evening going through the Great Black-backed and Lesser Black-backed Gull roost by the entrance track reading colour rings. There were 15 GBBG rings and 3 LBBG rings mainly Norwegian, but also Danish, and French.
Below is the life history so far of a 15 year old Nowegian Ringed Great Black-backed Gull JH2C that was in the Gull roost by the entrance track to the visitor centre today.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Friday 20/09/2019

 Sooty Shearwater
06.30-08.30 with AJG & JTM:
Brent Goose: 8E.   32W
Teal: 6W
Wigeon: 11W
Common Scoter: 3E   12W
Great-crested Grebe: 1W
Sooty Shearwater: 2E
Gannet: 91E
Cormorant: 43 around
Knot: 1 on beach
Arctic Skua: 5W
Kittiwake: 6W
Mediterranean Gull: c20 around
Sandwich Tern: 650+ feeding and moving between Lade and Rye Bay.
Common Tern: 6 around
Guillemot: 2 on
Razorbill: 2W   1 on
Sand Martin: 17 out
Swallow: 24 out
Meadow Pipit: 14 out
Grey Wagtail: 2 out
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 6+
 Sooty Shearwater
A mid morning visit to the ARC found a general clear out with no sign of the Pectoral Sandpiper, but a juvenile Ruff was present along with 2 Greenshanks, Great White, Cattle and Little Egret.
Common Tern
A slow but very pleasant sea watch basking in the glorious afternoon sunshine.
13.00-16.00 from the fishing boats with AJG & JTM
Brent Goose: 3E
Common Scoter: 22E
Gannet: 105E
Turnstone: 1 around
Knot: 1 around
Great Skua: 1E   1W
Arctic Skua: 3 around
Kittiwake: 3E
Mediterranean Gull:  c20 around
Sandwich Tern: c350 mainly into Lade bay
Common Tern: 8 around
Razorbill: 1 on
Auk sp: 1W
Swallow: 14 out
Common Seal: 1
Grey Seal: 2
Harbour Porpoise: 10+

Stunning early morning sky scape of Dungeness yesterday morning 
Jacques with 1 of the many Mackerel he caught yesterday and very tasty they were too

Thursday, 19 September 2019


06.15-07.30 with AJG who kindly collated the numbers
Shelduck: 4W
Scoter: 8W
Gannet: 50+ around
Arctic Skua: 2 around
Mediterranean Gull: 1W
Sandwich Tern: c2,350 west into Rye Bay. Then c500 returned east into Lade Bay
Auk sp:  1up

The Desert, The Moat and Trapping area held very few Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and Common Whitethroats and nothing notable was seen.
As Burrowes was being disturbed today by essential clearance work, I decided to walk out the back of Scotney, apart from several 100s of Swallows, a few Yellow Wagtails, 2 Wheatears and 2 Corn Buntings very little was seen here.

14.00-17.00 from the fishing boats with AJG, JTM & DW.
Brent Goose: 7W  first of the autumn
Common Scoter: 5E   39W
Red-throated diver: 1E  first of the autumn
Great-crested Grebe: 1E
Sooty Shearwater: 1E   first of the year!
Gannet: c30 feeding off shore
Cormorant: 16 around
Great Skua: 1E
Arctic Skua: 6+ around
Kittiwake: 6E
Mediterranean Gull: c20 around
Sandwich Tern: c50 around
Common Tern: c30 around
Razorbill: 5E    1 on    1W
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 6+

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Tuesday 18/09/2019

Willow Warbler at the observatory this morning maybe the last of the year for me!
Before I arrived at the observatory a Little Owl was seen perched on the Heligoland trap before flying around The Moat. I joined AJG in a circuit of The Moat but couldn't re-find the Little Owl. We made our way into The Desert where a ring tail Hen Harrier flew close and low North West past us disappearing towards the ARC the first record for The Point this year as far as I know, unfortunately I'd left my camera at the observatory,  the rest of the walk was uneventful seeing a few each of Common and Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and just 2 Wheatears.
This Cattle Egret seems to be almost permanently be on the nearest island to Hanson hide
Heavily cropped image of the Pectoral Sandpiper from Hanson this morning
At the ARC as we approached Hanson hide the Coastguard Helicopter flew over flushing all the birds including the newly arrived Spoonbill which afforded me a view of its backside as it disappeared and didn't return with the rest of the birds. The Pectoral Sandpiper was still present with a Common Sandpiper,  4 Ruff, 2 Greenshank, 4 Dunlin, 234 Golden Plover(AJG) a Ringed Plover and all 3 Egret species, I could only find a single Garganey today among the usual wildfowl.
Jacques proudly displaying the Bass he caught, before returning it back to the sea as it was undersize
 Mackerel making the sea boil at the fishing boats this afternoon
Common Tern
15.00-17.00 from the fishing boats with JTM, RW, CP and PT.
Common Scoter: 1E
Gannet: c20 feeding off shore
Dunlin: 9W      2E
Arctic Skua: 2 around
Mediterranean Gull: 10+feeding off shore
Sandwich Tern: c20 feeding off shore
Common Tern: c20 feeding off shore
Guillemot: 3E
Razorbill: 2E
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 4+
 Fishing Common Tern