06.30-09.00 from the sea watch hide with AJG(collated the numbers) and DW:
Brent Goose: 130 E
Pintail: 2 E
Shoveller: 8 E
Teal: 5 E
Common Scoter: 186 E
Red-breasted Merganser: 13 E
Red throated Diver: 13 E
Fulmar: 2 E
Gannet: 46 E
Curlew 20 up
Mediterranean Gull: 2 E
Kittiwake: 1 E
Sandwich Tern: 198 E
Common Tern: 3 E
Little Tern: 1 E
Harbour Porpoise: 10+
A wander around the bushes on the The Point found 9 Chiffchaffs, 2 Firecrests, 2 Wheatears, a superb male Black Redstart and a Hare of note.
Cattle Egret being harried by the Black-headed Gulls at Dengemarsh.
A visit to Dengemarsh and the Hayfields saw a drake Garganey, a White Wagtail, Sedge Warbler, 2 Avocet, 3 Curlew, a Ringed Plover, a Greenshank, 6 Egyptian Geese, 2 Tundra Bean Geese, 4+ Little Egrets, a Great White Egret and a Cattle Egret being harassed by Black-headed Gulls of note. A pair of Swallows have returned tothe stables in Dengemarsh Road and another flew over the garden while I was having lunch.
Another watch this afternoon 13.00-16.00 from the fishing boats with MH asnd AJG who once again kindly collated the numbers:
Brent Goose: 35 EShoveller: 1 E
Common Scoter: 377 E
Red-breasted Merganser: 9 E
Red-throated Diver: 24 E
Fulmar: 1 W
Gannet: 7 W
Whimbrel: 5 E
Turnstone: 7 on beach
Sanderling: 2 E
Curlew: 2 E
Bonxie: 1 W
Little Gull: 3 E
Kittiwake: 2 E
Sandwich Tern: 204 E
Auk: 1 E