Saturday, 21 February 2015

A Gull and some Egrets!

Most the morning was taken up with domestic stuff, I did manage a brief look at at Scotney in the sleet and snow finding only the 3 Black-necked Grebes of note. Early afternoon at The Point yesterdays 3w Caspian Gull was in the roost, which was often disturbed by dog walkers.
3w Caspian Gull
Early evening 22 Little Egrets, 10 Great White Egrets and 2 Cattle Egrets roosted on the reserve. Around the reserve plenty of the common wildfowl, 8+ Smew, at least 1 Goosander, a Black-necked Grebe, a Barn Owl and regular sightings of Bitterns.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Wet, Wet, Wet!

A very wet night was followed by an even wetter day, it was so abysmal I didn't bother to go out until a message from DW at lunchtime, regarding a 2w and 3w Caspian Gull in the roost on The Point. A short sea watch produced nothing.
 3w Caspian Gull, ISO 2000

 2w Caspian Gull
A soggy Cattle Egret on the chicken shed roof
A single Black-necked Grebe and 4 red head Smew could be seen on the New Diggings through a curtain of rain.
Round Brickwall Farm the 2 Cattle Egrets looked very sorry for themselves.
At Scotney no sign of the Black-necked Grebes, Scaup or any wild geese, even the Barnacle Geese have disappeared leaving just the one lonesome individual. However on the turf from the layby 26 Ringed Plover, 14 Dunlin and a Little Stint that the Bard of Littlestone twitched just to make sure it wasn't a Semi P.
On Walland the Whooper Swan still present but Bewick Swans have decreased to 54.
22 Little Egrets, 8 Great White Egrets and the 2 Cattle Egrets came into roost this evening, the c3,000 Starlings pre roost gathering put on a spectacular display when attacked by 2 Sparrowhawks and 5 Marsh Harriers flew through. 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

More of the same!

07.45-09.15 from The Point
Brent Goose: 5 up
Red-throated Diver: 321 up
Fulmar: 3 up  1 down
Gannet:  127 up   18 down
Kittiwake:  36 up
Guillemot: 2 up
Auk: 16 up
Harbour Porpoise: 1 o/s

13.40- 15.00 from The Point
Red-throated Diver: 2 down
Gannet: 7 down
Black-headed Gull: 3854 down (14.00-15.00) presumably to The Patch. Nothing else to count!
Kittiwake: 27 down

The Cattle Egrets were in the usual fields at Brickwall Farm, The Scaup and 3 Black-necked Grebes still at Scotney. 2 Black-necked grebes and 6 red head Smew on New Diggings. More Smew and at least 2 Bitterns at the ARC. On the reserve it would appear from today's reports that there is no change there either.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday!

Yesterday Tuesday 17th after checking with the BBC weather and double checking with XC Weather I joined DW and GH  on a day trip to Dinant, Belgium to hopefully see the much photographed Wallcreeper that has been present there since December. As we drove off the train at Calais it was raining, c3hrs later as we parked by the river Meuse in Dinant it was still raining. I checked the BBC and XC weather websites on the phone, both still insisted it was a bright sunny day in Dinant.
Spotting the cliffs and Citadel was easy but where to look for the Wallcreeper? Fortunately after a looking at parts of cliffs we ran into a Belgian couple and there young son, the only other birders there, they told us that the bird was seen on the citadel walls early morning and showed us where to view it. The young lad spotted immediately, he got it in his scope and we viewed it at a range of c300mts. Not very satisfactory! It was very mobile and quickly disappeared for an hour before reappearing again in the same place and range again. We carried on waiting and hoping the bird would come closer, eventually after more waiting and rain it did come on to nearer cliff face, once again first spotted by the young lad, it was still quite distant but gave great scope views as it crawled and flitted over cliff face. Photography was near on impossible as it was so dark and dreary and so far away. The image below was my best effort, at 2000 ISO the shutter speeds were still very slow. In hindsight we should probably taken the funicular railway up to the Citadel, where we may have got better views. Weekends would probably be better when more birders are around to track it.
 Despite the weather a good day out in great company and good scope views of the Wallcreeper!
 Whitefront at Scotney today!
I spent several hours today wandering around Scotney soaking up the sun unlike yesterday. A single Whitefront was associating with a few Greylags as I wandered through the farm. A couple of Tree Sparrows flew over as did 4 Corn Buntings, there was much disturbance in the farmyard so Little else was seen there. On the lake the 3 Black-necked Grebes still paddling around together, 2 Tundra Bean Geese eventually lifted there heads to reveal them selves, after much searching the Scaup appeared from under the bank, the Barnacle Goose that has been wandering around on its own for the last week or so was as shy as ever NOT! On the turf 8 Ringed Plovers, 4 Dunlin, 8 Redshank, 2 Curlew and 4 Oystercatchers.
 1 of the 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Scotney today!
 The lonesome Barnacle Goose it can definitely fly!
 The Cattle Egrets showing well at Brickwall Farm this afternoon!
Late afternoon 2 Cattle Egrets, c8 Great White Egrets and c17 Little Egrets roosted. I totally lost count and concentration watching the Starlings spectacular pre roost display, the wild Swans flying in to roost and a Barn Owl hunting near the screen hide. 

Monday, 16 February 2015

No real change!

Last evenings Egret roost was a little disappointing after recent days. 8 Great White Egrets, 22 Little Egrets and 2 Cattle Egrets. A Merlin flashed over the New Diggings and c1500 Starlings put on an impressive pre-roost aerial display. 
This morning was very foggy so I didn't leave home til gone 09.00.
09.20-11.20 from The Point with poor visibility and the accompaniment of the Fog Horn.
Brent Goose: 107 up
Shelduck: 3 down
Red-throated Diver: 61 up    13 down
Gannet: 51 down  15 up
Oystercatcher: 10 up
Auk:  6 down   2 up
Skylark: 4 down

On the New Diggings 2 Black-necked Grebes, 6 red-head Smew and a Great White Egret, over the road on the ARC 2 red head Goosander, 4 red-head Smew and 3 Marsh Harriers of note.

Scotney GP still holds the drake Scaup and 3 Black-necked Grebes, but once again no sign of any wild geese.

On Walland Marsh the wild Swan herd still at Horsebones Farm, Tree Sparrows could be found at the usual sites.  
Late afternoon 10 Avocet on the Cormorant Island at the ARC.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

More Egrets!

08.50-09.50 from the fishing boats:
Brent: 11 up
Red-throated Diver: 10 down    4 up
Fulmar: 1 down
Gannet: 129 down
Oystercatcher:  3 up   3 down
Kittiwake:   129 down
Auk:  3 up
The rest of the morning taken up with domestic stuff.
This afternoon the Cattle Egrets were still in the fields south of Brickwall Farm.
At Scotney the drake Scaup still but no wild geese, I was unable to find the 3 Black-necked Grebes but there were at least 2 on New Excavations,
On Walland all the wild Swans present and correct.
Late afternoon at the reserve in the company of DW and GH watching the Egrets come in to roost.
9 Great-white Egrets and a minimum of 23 Little Egrets roosted, a party of 3 Cattle Egrets came in and a few minutes later another 2. It was very dark and they did come in quickly so we may have made a mistake, so it looks like my early evenings are going to be booked for the near future.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

February Gloom lifted by late afternoon Pinkfeet!

07.20 at the ARC car park and the wild Swans are already leaving the lake, 2 Great White Egrets flew over. By 07.30 they have all gone and its still more or less dark.
At the south end of the ARC the 2 Goosanders and 2 red head Smew, a Black-necked Grebe could be seen over the road on the New Excavations.
At The Point absolutely no off shore movement on a flat calm sea, the highlight being a Harbour Porpoise.
The 2 Cattle Egrets were in the fields south of Brickwall Farm but little else seen in the gloom.
At Scotney with the road being blocked at the double bends by what looked liked a serious accident, I parked at the farm entrance and walked the path by the lake. The 3 Black-necked Grebes and the Scaup showed well but no sign of any wild geese. Around the farm 13 Corn Buntings, 2 Little Egrets and a drake Goldeneye on the back lake was unusual.
A call from OL this afternoon to say he had counted 1240 Great Crested Grebes between The Varne and and The Pilot, would I be able to count the Grebes between The Pilot and The Point, no problem and a few minutes later I was at the fishing boats counting all 8 of them! My time was definitely not wasted, as I scanned the sea I picked up a flock of c35 Pinkfeet resting on the colour change, which were slowly drifting south east. I tried to tweet them, but there was no phone signal let alone Internet. It seems that mobile signal was very patchy on the peninsular today.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Wonderful Swans!

06.30 at the ARC car park in the gloom before dawn, the Bewick Swans could be heard calling to one another on the lake, in the bushes Tree Sparrows chattered along with Chaffinches and Reed Buntings, 3+ Chiffchaffs in the willows and reeds by the track to Hanson, also a couple of Squealing Water Rails, a loud Cetti's Warbler and flyover Green Woodpecker. From the hide all 86 Bewick Swans and the lone Whooper Swan were milling around, 2 red head Goosanders fishing in front the hide with 3 red head Smew, in quick succession 2 Bitterns vacated there roost and flew across the lake. As all the Swans had left the lake by 06.45 yesterday, I quickly made my way back to the track to the screen hide to be in a position to get some images of the Swans leaving and waited and waited. This morning they had obviously decided to have a lay in. It was not until 07.55 when the Whooper Swan led the way, with all leaving in the next few minutes, except one juvenile which flew out towards Lydd then returned, doing this several times calling all the while and finally settling back on the lake. It does not bode well for this youngster if it cannot even find its way to Walland, let alone Russia. While waiting for the Swans to leave 7 Great White Egrets flew out towards the marsh, a Merlin, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk and 3 Marsh Harriers flew over. 
 Whooper Swan leads the way!
 Superb views of the Bewick Swans!

Stunning views as they leave the ARC!
At the fishing boats the sea was mirror calm, nothing was moving off shore so I took the opportunity to count the Great-crested Grebes on the sea, in the one sweep I counted 710 Grebes, 8 Red-throated Divers and a Grey Seal.
From the causeway the Goosanders had moved to the south end of the ARC and a Black-necked grebe could be seen on New Excavations.
At Scotney the Scaup and a single Black-necked Grebe of note.
I parked at Springfield Bridge where the 2 Cattle Egrets could be seen in the field opposite, walking from the bridge to Scott Hide was largely avian free, although work was being done in the hay fields, which certainly look in great condition for migrant spring waders. From Scott the showy Smew was still doing its stuff despite the amount of noise made by visitors slamming the door, dropping the shutters, flasks scopes and just about everything else.
drake Smew still performing for the camera!
Late this afternoon 8 Great White Egrets and 17 Little Egrets roosted. c2,000 Starlings put on another brilliant aerial display, especially when attacked by a Sparrowhawk. 

Monday, 9 February 2015

The Best Till Last!

06.45 walking along the track to Hanson I could hear the Bewick Swans calling softly to one another, by the time I opened the shutter in the hide they had all departed to Walland. (must get up earlier). From the hide 18 Little Egrets and 4 Great white Egrets lined up along the far bank, 2 red head Smew on the lake and 2 Marsh Harriers over, but nothing else of note.
07.40-08.40 from the fishing boats was not exactly riveting!
Shelduck: 2 up
Common Scoter: 3 up
Red-throated Diver: 11 up
Gannet: 203  up
Oystercatcher: 2 up
Kittiwake: 3 up
Auk: 2 up  (Where are all the Auks this winter?)
Grey Seal: 1 o/s
Drake Scaup Scotney!
A drive down Dengemarsh Road filed to find the Whitefront among the Greylags, but did locate the Cattle Egrets at Brickwall Farm.
I spent 3hrs wandering around the paths of Scotney, although enjoyable it was not very rewarding ornithologically. The Scaup still present as was a single Black-necked Grebe, a Green Sandpiper, a few each of Corn Bunting and Tree Sparrow, the usual feral geese including 5 Egyptian Geese and the common wildfowl no sign of any wild geese.
This afternoon from the Screen Hide 14.50-17.00 saw just 3 red head Smew of any note. 
17.00-17.35 saw 2 Bitterns drop into the reeds in front the hide, 13 small Egrets flew through, it was to dark and they were to distant to be sure if the Cattle Egrets were among them, 8 probably 9 and maybe more Great White Egrets came in, c3,000 Starlings put on a superb display, especially when a Peregrine paid them some attention, finally  just as I was about to leave the screen and I think best moment of the day the evocative sound of Bewick Swans coming back into roost!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Harrier Roost!

After a lay in I made my way to Scotney, from the double bends a single Black-necked Grebe, the Scaup but no sign of any wild geese. At Brickwall Farm the 2 Cattle Egrets happily feeding by the chicken sheds, a few hundred yards up the road from them a single Greater White-fronted Goose was associating with a flock of c100 Greylags.
Cattle Egrets Brickwall Farm
After lunch back at Scotney the 2 Tundra Bean Geese popped into view and a flock of 20 Corn Buntings. The Spotted Redshank was seen again this afternoon JC,DC,BK.
It was the Harrier roost count today, instead of looking at my usual Reed bed which has drawn a blank for the last couple of years, I looked at another closer to home near the airport, where I joined Martin and Sussana and were fortunate enough to have 1 adult male come into roost.
On the way back to the car a couple of flocks of calling Bewick Swans flew over to roost at the ARC.