A half hour sea watch this morning produced of note:
Red-throated Diver: 1 W + 1 on sea
Gannet: 45+ fishing off shore
Pomarine Skua: 1 W
Kittiwake: 5 W
A wander around the sea containers looking for passerines found just 2 Wrens.
On the ARC from the causeway a Smew, a Slavonian Grebe, 3 Godeneye, a Great White Egret and a Marsh Harrier.
From Dennis's hide 5 Great White Egrets could be seen in front of the visitor centre and 2 Marsh Harriers over the Oppen Pits. From the entrance track at Boulderwall c150+ Golden Plover in the fields with c250 Lapwing.
A wander up to the pines in the rain found 4 Goldcrests, a Chiffchaff and several calling Cetti's Warblers. By the time I got back to the car the rain had really set in, so I went home for breakfast.
2 of 3 Cattle Egrets present in the hay fields
This afternoon a plod from Boulderwall to Springfield Bridge and back saw 2 Stonechats and a Common Buzzard by the coral, a Kingfisher at Hookers, also a Firecrest in the Tit flock there. On Dengemarsh another Great White Egret, 2 Little Egret and 2 more Marsh Harriers. In the Hayfields 3 Cattle Egrets unfortunately flushed as the farmer moved the cattle. Also a Pipit flushed that I thought was a Water Pipit appeared to drop into the bottom of Hayfield 3 but couldn't be found again.
Late afternoon another look for the Pipit drew a blank but 2 late Swallows flew through.