Pomarine Skua
Pomarine Skua
07.10- 11.00 AJG,DW and Paul thanks to AJG for collating the numbers:Brent Goose: 4 W
Wigeon: 3 W
Shoveller: 13 W
Common Scoter: 22 W
Red throated Diver 1 down
Gannet: 758 W
Great Skua: 11 W
Pomarine Skua: 6 W
Arctic Skua: 4 W
Mediterranean Gull: 2 W
Kittiwake: 247 W
Sandwich Tern :1 W
Auk sp: 21 W
Razorbill: 9 W
Guillemot: 1 W
Goldfinch: 208 W
Due to domestic stuff the sea watch was all I managed today.
What I believed at first to be an abherrant Long-tailed Skua is probably an Arctic Skua. When the photo is zoomed right in on the tail the central tail feathers are in fact pointed making it an Arctic. Many thanks to DW for his research.