Tuesday, 21 October 2014


5AA1 a regular on the beach
07.00- 11.00 from the fishing boats with AJG
Brent Goose: 9 W
Common Scoter: 1 W
Great-crested Grebe: 25 around
Gannet 139: W
Dunlin: 1 W
Merlin: 1 in
Great Skua: 7 W
Arctic Skua: 4 W/around
Yellow-legged Gull: 2 ads in roost
Mediterranean Gull: 3 W
Sandwich Tern: 90 W
Common Tern: 1 W
Swallow: 5 in
At the ARC the islands have all but disappeared, so no waders but plenty of the common wildfowl, along with a Great White Egret, 2 Little Egrets and a Cetti's Warbler in front the hide. 2 Great White Egrets on New Diggings from the causeway but no sign of the Cattle Egret in short search.
Back at the beach this afternoon there was very little passage on the sea. A check of Trektellen http://www.trektellen.nl/trektelling.asp?telpost=148 shows that Cap Gris Nez had quite a good day to day, even without the North Westerlies forecast for tonight and tomorrow, so hopefully we will have a very good day there tomorrow. 

Monday, 20 October 2014

White Winged Black Tern!

An uninspiring watch from the boats this morning, counting the Gannets kept me busy. Hopefully the remnants of Hurricane Gonzalo will pep things up tomorrow at The Point and at Cap Gris Nez on Wednesday.
07.05-08.15 from the fishing boats in the company of AJG:
Brent Goose: 35 W
Common Scoter: 3W
Red-throated Diver: 1W
Gannet: 508 W
Turnstone: 12 on beach
Arctic Skua: 2 around
Kittiwake: 27 W
Sandwich Tern: 5 around
Auk: sp: 16 W
An hour on the top of The Moat produced another 12 Brent Geese, 3+ Sparrowhawks, 3 House Martins, 5 Swallows, 40+ Jackdaws a few Stock Doves and a few Sky Larks over.
 White Winged Black Tern
I gave in to temptation and left the peninsular for a few hours with AJG to see the White Winged Black Tern at Castle Water, Rye. It was on show the moment we arrived at the hide sitting on one the islands. After a short while it began hawking up and down the lake showing very well in the glorious sunshine. While we were there we also saw 2 Little Stints, a Ruff, 2+ Marsh Harriers, A Ring Ouzel and 8+ Clouded Yellows. 

 At Scotney c2,000 Golden Plover but no sign again of the American Golden Plover, the feral Barnacle Goose flock was still present.
Another sea watch 15.20-16.20 with BM was also uninspiring:
Red-throated Diver: 1 E
Great Crested Grebe: 23 on sea
Gannet: 112 W
Sanderling: 1 W
Greenshank: 1 out
Great Skua: 1 W
Arctic Skua: 1 around
Kittiwake: 12 W   42 in flock on sea
Auk sp: 8 W
Harbour Porpoise: 3

Only 14 moths of 6 species in the Plodland trap this morning. A Delicate provided the quality.

Sunday, 19 October 2014


The usual watch from the boats this morning was some what of an anti climax compared to the last few days, though the Gannets were impressive early morning. 
 Brent Goose: 7 W
Common Scoter: 18 W
Red-throated Diver: 1W
Gannet: c1,000 off shore
Arctic Skua: 3 around
Kittiwake: 9 W
Sandwich Tern: 37 W
Common Tern: 1 W
Razorbill: 3 W
Auk sp: 12 W
Starling: 250 in
Goldfinch: 95 W
Chaffinch: 41 in
Linnet: 30 W
Common Seal: 1
Despite there being several 100s of Gulls in the roost beside the entrance track to the reserve, I was unable to find any unusual ones among them. There were several colour ringed individuals present, but they were to faraway to read in the heat haze despite using the 60x zoom. The bushes beside the track held 3+ Ring Ouzels and the Cattle Egret showed fairly well.
The south end of the ARC held 5 Little Egrets and a Great White Egret with another on the New Diggings.
An hour on the beach this afternoon was very disappointing with few Gulls and virtually no passage off shore.  

Saturday, 18 October 2014

All at Sea!

 Sunrise over the Water Tower from Plodland
From the Fishing Boats 07.00-10.10 AJG,CP,MH,MB,DW,PW,PT,MC
Brent Goose: 4 W      9 E
Wigeon: 15 W
Teal: 10 E
Common Scoter: 51 W    3E
Red-breasted Merganser: 1 W
Red-throated Diver: 1 on sea
Gannet: 672 W
Common Snipe: 2 W
Grey Phalarope: 1 W
Great Skua: 1 W
Arctic Skua: 3+ around     2 W
Mediterranean Gull: 8 W
Little Gull: 1 W
Kittiwake:182 W
Sandwich Tern: 46 W
Common Tern: 2 W
Guillemot: 15 W
Razorbill: 24 W
Auk sp: 182 W
Skylark: 29 W/in
Swallow: 193 out/W
House Martin: 5 out/W
Rock Pipit: 2 over
Meadow Pipit: 26 W
Alba Wagtail: 33 W
Starling: 300 in
Goldfinch: 1920 W
Greenfinch: 7 W
Linnet: 164 W
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
1w Mediterranean Gull at the Fishing Boats
Around the peninsular a Yellow-browed Warbler on the edge of The Desert(AJG), 3+ Great White Egrets, The Cattle Egret and Glossy Ibis still present.
From the Fishing Boats 14.30-16.30 MS,MC(Chiddy), RB,RS, MC
Teal: 4 W
Red-throated Diver: 1 W
Black-throated Diver: 1 W
Great-crested Grebe: 31 on sea
Red-necked Grebe: 1 W  @15.48
Gannet:  352 W
Turnstone: 4 on beach
Great Skua: 1 W
Pomarine Skua: 1 W
Arctic Skua: 2 around  1 W
Mediterranean Gull: 7 W
Yellow-legged Gull: 2   1 x 1w + 1 x 2w
Little Gull: 5 W
Kittiwake: 121 W
Sandwich Tern: 62 W
North Thames Herring Gulls: T9BT   &   NX9T
Norwegian G.B.B.G    JT286

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Beardies at the Long Pits!

07.00 to 08.30 from Fishing Boats with AJG who collated the numbers:
Brent Goose: 22 W
Common Scoter: 15 W
Gannet: 235 W
Kestrel: 1 out
Arctic Skua: 1 W
Mediteranean Gull: 1 W
Yellow-legged Gull: 1ad on beach
Kittiwake: 7 W
Sandwich Tern: 16 W
Auk sp 2 W
Swallow: 102 W
Meadow Pipit: 111 W
Grey Wagtail: 2 W
Alba Wagtails: 64 in and W
Linnet: 55 W
One of 2 Bearded Tits at the top of the Long Pits
A wander around the Long Pits and Desert including the Lighthouse area and beach saw of note, 2 Bearded Tits, a Yellow-browed Warbler heard only, c22 Ring Ouzels, a Woodlark, 8 Wheatears, 3 Black Redstarts, a Common Redstart, 4 Stonechats, 39 Chiffchaffs, a Goldcrest, 3 Blackcaps, 30+ Robins, a Water Rail heard and a Marsh Harrier that went out to sea. 
Woodlark still around today
Another watch from Fishing Boats with AJG 15.15-16.15:
Brent Goose: 30 W
Common Scoter: 6 E   3 W
Gannet: 89 W
Red-throated Diver: 1 W
Arctic Skua: 1 E
Kittiwake: 131 W
Sandwich Tern: 4 W
On the reserve the Cattle Egret and Glossy Ibis still present also 8+ Ring Ouzels and 2+ Great White Egrets per MH.
Rusty Dot Pearl the best from last nights meagre catch

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Woodlark, Black Brant, Yellow-browed Warblers and a stunning moth!

 Woodlark a Dungeness tick for me!
10 minutes first thing this morning from the concrete road was enough to know very little was moving off shore.
News from the trapping area that at least 2 Yellow-browed Warblers had been heard calling, prompted AJG and myself to venture out there, we had not gone far when we received a call that a Yellow-browed Warbler had found a mist net and would be on show at the observatory. While at the observatory viewing the warbler a flock of c350 Brent Geese flew over. 
AJG and myself then walked a circuit of The Point seeing on the way 4 Ring Ouzels, 3 Black Redstarts, 2 Stonechats, 3 Wheatears, 6+ Chiffchaffs, several Skylarks over, another flock of c300 Brent Geese and good numbers Swallows and House Martins. Back at the observatory a Ring Ouzel was caught in the Heligoland Trap and a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a few Robins, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs had been caught in the trapping area. A net was opened in The moat to catch House Martins, 25 of which dived into the net. Whilst the House Martins were being processed, PT who was scanning numerous Meadow Pipits  found a Woodlark in The Desert a new bird for Dungeness for me, it showed quite well but was surprisingly flighty.   
 One of at least 2 Yellow-browed Warblers in the trapping area
 After lunch I went back to the observatory where another Yellow-browed Warbler was located in The Moat, it showed well for a while before flying off into the trapping area.
Yellow-browed Warbler in The Moat
An afternoon watch from Fishing Boats 14.45- 16.15 produced:
Brent Goose: 524 W
Black Brant: 1 W   at 14.58 only the second Dungeness record.
Common Scoter: 42 W
Gannet: 35 W
Arctic Skua: 1 around
Mediterranean Gull: 10 W  2 X 1w, 5 x 2w, 3 x ad.
Little Gull: 8W
Kittiwake: 14 W
Sandwich Tern: 9 W
Auk sp: 2 W
Unfortunately I was very slow in picking up the Black Brant, by the time I had grabbed the camera and got out of my chair it was to late!

I ran the moth trap last night, the first time for a few nights and was delighted to find the stunner below in it. 
 A stunning Merveille du Jour very scarce on the peninsular.
Blair's Shoulder-Knot

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Another Brilliant Day at Dungeness!

07.00-09.00 with AJG and DW:
Brent Goose: 12 W
Common Scoter: 4 E
Gannet: 344 W
Purple Sandpiper: 1 on beach
Great Skua: 1 W
Pomarine Skua: 3 W
Arctic Skua: 1 W
Sandwich Tern: 33 W
Common Tern: 1 W
Swallow: 17 W
Rock Pipit: 1 over
Goldfinch: 9 W
 Wheatear: 1 of 6 among the fishing boats
A walk from the fishing boats to the Lifeboat and back produced another 80 Brent Geese west, 17 Turnstone, a Little Egret on the beach, 6 Wheatears, 15 Swallows and 5 House Martins of note.
Around the lighthouse another 2 Wheatears and 6 Swallows, 2 Chiffchaffs, 2 Black Redstarts, and 4 Stonechats.
 Little Egret on the beach
Cattle Egret
Driving to the ARC I spotted the Cattle Egret that has not been seen for a few days perched on a fence at Boulderwall. A walk up to the Water Tower produced 17 Ring Ouzels, 5 Chiffchaffs, 2 Great White Egrets and 2 Cetti's Warblers of note.
 Part of a flock of c70 Ring Ouzels
 At the Obsevatory Ring Ouzels could be seen wherever you cared to look, with a day total probably in excess of 500. 2 found there way into the Heligoland trap and were duly processed, on the down side a local cat managed to catch a Ring Ouzel with predictable results.

 Just after the Ring Ouzels had been processed I went back to the Heligoland Trap to oil the hinges on the flaps, as I walked into the trap I spotted a superb Yellow-browed Warbler, DW quickly arrived and duly caught and processed it.  
 Yellow-browed Warbler

Yellow-browed Warbler
16.15-17.00 at the fishing boats with AJG:
Brent Goose: 60 W
Gannet: 297 W
Great Skua: 3 W
Pomarine Skua 1 W
Arctic Skua: 1 W
Sandwich tern: 9 W
Harbour Porpoise: 5+

Monday, 13 October 2014

Leach's Storm Petrels!

 Leach's Storm Petrels very heavy crop.
A long but rewarding sea watch today 07.30- 16.45:
Brent Goose: 678 W
Shelduck: 2 W
Pintail: 31 W
Shoveler: 1 W
Wigeon: 47 W
Teal:39 W
Common Scoter: 708 W     16 E
Red-throated Diver: 1 W   1 on sea
Black-throated Diver: 1 W
Great-crested Grebe: 12 on sea
Sooty Shearwater: 1 W    
Leach's Storm Petrel: 5 W
Gannets: 987 W
Merlin: 1 out
Sanderling: 2 W
Turnstone: 5 on beach
Dunlin: 62 W
Curlew: 1 W
Great Skua: 50 W     1 E
Arctic Skua: 27 W     9E  3+ around  Make what you will of these numbers David.
Mediterranean Gull: 14 W
Yellow Legged Gull: 1ad on beach + 1ad in roost
Caspian Gull: 1 x 1w around
Little Gull: 6 W
Kittiwake: 46 W
Sandwich Tern: 509 W
Common Tern: 8 W
Guillemot: 4 W
Razorbill: 1 W
Auk sp: 7 W
Skylark: 3 W
Swallow: 7 out
Starling: 50 in
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
 1w Caspian Gull

 2w Mediterranean Gull
Arctic Skua

Sunday, 12 October 2014

American Golden Plover

This morning at the fishing boats plenty of Gannets, a few Sandwich Terns, 3+ Arctic Skuas, a Great Skua and a few Swallows.
Round the observatory area a Ring Ouzel, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 20+ Chiffchaffs in The moat along with a few Blackcaps.
Most of the rest of the day was spent trying to catch up with the American Golden Plover found yesterday by SM at Scotney. I eventually got reasonable scope views for a couple of minutes early afternoon with CT and DB and family from the layby, we had been looking through the the flock of c500 Golden Plover which were frequently spooking for about 30 minutes before we spotted it. It's incredible that such a striking bird could be so invisible in the flock. Also there up to 4 Marsh Harriers by the windmills, several Yellow Wagtails, 9 Ruff (4 on the turf and 5 on the Herring Gull island), also at least 1 Greenshank around. I was supposed to be doing the Harrier count today, but staring into the heavy rain driven by a strong easterly wind I probably wouldn't have seen anything, so I wimped out. 

Saturday, 11 October 2014


From the fishing boats this morning a  steady trickle of Sandwich Terns moving west and few each of Brent Geese and Common Scoter, also 2 Sooty Shearwaters before I arrived. On the land Swallows streamed out in front of the heavy showers and 5 Stonechats by the beach. In The Moat a Ring Ouzel, 3 Black Redstarts, 2 Stonechats, a Wheatear, a couple of Song Thrushes, several Chiffchaffs and a Jay over. In The Desert 15+ Blackcaps, several Chiffchaffs, 3 Skylarks and a Common Whitethroat the first I have seen for a while.
A Great White Egret at the south end of the ARC and 2 on the New Diggings from the causeway.
This afternoon at Scotney no sign of the Golden Plover flock but 6 Ruff there, the Barnacle Geese have increased to 103, 6 Yellow Wagtails on the grass, 2 Marsh Harriers over. A Short Eared Owl landed by the lake briefly before being chased off by the Lapwings and Crows and disappearing onto the ranges.

Red-line Quaker in a soggy Plodland trap this morning