Monday, 3 February 2025


This Fieldfare in Dengemarsh Flood yesterday was the days highlight for me, as it is a scarce species around the reserve.
A very long hour in the sea watch hide
08.00-09.00     SSW 1-2    3º
Wigeon: 4W
Great-crested Grebe: 2 present
Kittiwake: 3E   
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Common Gull:  Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Razorbill: 10E
Guillemot: 1 present
Auk sp: 11W      11E   
Red-throated Diver: 5W    3E
Fulmar: 1E    
Gannet: 5E      17W
Cormorant: 672W    14E
Grey Seal: 3
Common Seal: 2
I found this Woodcock in dense bushes at the Long Pits this morning with the aid of a Thermal Imager, without the imager I would have blundered on and flushed it, instead it allowed me to photograph it and leave site with it still insitu.

Jack Snipe at The ARC found with the aid of a Thermal Imager, also 8 Common Snipe present.
One of 4 Cattle Egrets in the Cockles Bridge Triangle
My local Little Owl watching a couple of Buzzards fly over.
Now at least 9 Yellowhammers at Lydd FC. To put it in perspective thats more than were seen over the whole of peninsular the last few years.
On the reserve there were still 8 Russian White-fronted Geese present but no sign of the Pinkfeet, 2 Water Pipits were reported from the hayfields and the Long-tailed Duck is still present, otherwise very little of note.


  1. Very nice selection of good local birds.

  2. Hi Martin, I love your blog but I only get to birdwatching once a week at best, if it wasn't too much trouble when you mention a place where you see birds ( like Midley) could you also include the ordinance survey co-ordinates. Thank you Frank from Dunes Rd

  3. Hi Martin, love your blog too. Whereabouts are the Little Owls these days please? Are they still at Scotney Farm as been hard to see there for us? Thanks
