Large numbers of Gulls streaming West along the shore line this morning, strangely very little moving off shore, the passage petered out just after 09.00. As I was on my own the only way to get any count was to do timed counts.
07.45-09.15 W 3 7ยบ
Common Scoter: 4E
Kittiwake: 54W (many more probably missed trying to sort out counts)
Black-headed Gull: c7,500W
Mediterranean Gull: 15W (many more probably missed trying to sort out counts)
Common Gull: c800W
Herring Gull: c4,500W
Caspian Gull: 3+W.
Great Black-backed Gull:Present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 18W
Razorbill: 6W
Auk sp: 47W
Red-throated Diver: 46W 3E
Gannet: 9W
Cormorant: present n/c
Merlin from Cockles Bridge
At Cockles Bridge there were 4 Cattle Egrets and 5 Little Egrets, while there I noticed the above Merlin perched on some dredged reeds, I quickly drove home to add it to my from the garden year listCurlew on the Scotney Sward this morning
1,000+ each of Golden Plover and Lapwing on the Scotney Sward with 8 Curlews, 4 Redshank and 2 Dunlin, but still no Ruff. There were still 48 Bewick swans on Walland today per BH.
6 Pink-footed Geese on Boulderwall Fields
The Pinkfeet were relocated on Boulderwall Fields by JY this morning but quickly disappeared again.
The new Makepiece Hide viewed from Scott look out
I still haven't managed to obtain any decent images of the Water Pipits on the hayfields
Another poor image but it is my first Firecrest of the year at Firth lookout today
The long-tailed Duck is still present on the New Diggings but is always distant when I make the effort to look for it. Another Great Northern Diver has appeared on Burrowes today .This is one of 2 Hares on the reserve today
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