A partially leucistic Herring Gull
A blustery SW wind force 6 gusting 8, 9º and mainly dry.
07.40-09.30 joined by RW & OLBrent Goose: 10E
Common Scoter: 6W
Red-breasted Merganser: 1W drake
Great-crested Grebe: 2 present
Kittiwake: 159W 22E
Black-headed Gull: Present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 2E
Common Gull: Present n/c
Herring Gull: Present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: 41W
Lesser Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 2E 4W
Auk sp: 58E 74W
Red-throated Diver: 65W
Fulmar: 8W 2E
Gannet: 445W 37E
Cormorant: Present n/c
Grey Seal: 1
5 Russian White-fronted Geese viewed from Cockles Bridge this morning
There was no sign of the Pinkfeet or Tundra Bean Geese at Dengemarsh, Boulderwall or Scotney, even Greylags were hard to find today.
Another sea watch this afternoon from the hide with RW in even more blustery conditions.
Kittiwake: 97W
Black-headed Gull: 100s present
Mediterranean Gull: 2W
Common Gull: 100s present
Herring Gull: 1,000+ present
Caspian Gull: 3W. 2 x 1w + a 2w
Great Black-backed Gull: 37W
Lesser Black-backed Gull: Present n/c
Guillemot: 3E
Auk sp: 17E 12W
Red-throated Diver: 3W
Fulmar: 3W
Gannet: 59W 11E
Cormorant: Present n/c
Grey Seal: 1
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