Sunday 13 October 2024


A cold fairly windy start to the day at The Point, vis mig was virtually non existent, a flock of c50 Stock Doves over, as well as a few each of Meadow Pipits, Goldfinches and Song Thrushes, the highlight was a Barn Owl which flushed from the trapping area near the entrance to net site 13 and promptly disappeared deeper into the Sallows. Barn Owls are just about annual on The Point, presumably young birds trying to find a territory.
Late morning when the wind had dropped right out, I cycled out to Scotney paying a visit to my local Little Owl on the way. Large numbers of Greylag, Canada and Egyptian Geese were encountered all around Scotney but no winter Geese. Tufted Duck, Pochard, Wigeon and Curlew numbers seem to be growing as do the numbers of Little Grebes but I could find none of its the scarcer relatives, several 100s of Gold Plover were wheeling around over the fields at the back, 4 Tree Sparrows and a Grey Wagtail of note flew over.
At the back of Scotney a Lurcher belonging to the traveller community had caught a Hare and been abandoned, 3 members of the community had runaway taking 2 other Lurchers with them once the farmers and authorities were around. As there are Sheep in the nearby fields the Lurcher may die from lead poisoning.
The local Little Owl was enjoying the late morning sun today
An abandoned Lurcher with the corpse of a Brown Hare
By the fishing boats this afternoonGBBG J99AM with its conspicuous wide grin caused by the fishing hook, appears too be thriving, there was very little moving on the sea in the very still conditions . 
Adult Caspian Gull on Burrowes this afternoon
A Dutch ringed 1w Caspian Gull on Burrowes yesterday
A 1w Caspian Gull on Burrowes this afternoon, also there a Black-necked Grebe and Black tern of note.

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