Sunday 6 October 2024


A juvenile Arctic Tern at the fishing boats this afternoon

An improvement in the sea watching but the numbers are still pitifully low.

07.30-09.30 with CP, RW & 13.30-15.45 with SM & JB

Brent Goose: 1W    1E
Teal: 16E
Common Scoter: 11W     21E
Great-crested Grebe: 1 present
Sandwich Tern: 195W 
Common Tern: 26W
Arctic Tern: 3W
Black Tern: 3W
Little Gull: 1W (juvenile)
Black-headed Gull: 24W
Mediterranean Gull: 12W          2E
Common Gull: 9W
Herring Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Arctic Skua: 10W     2E
Razorbill: 4W
Auk: 20W   15E
Red-throated Diver: 2 present     
Gannet: 512W    26E 
Cormorant: 16 present
Grey Heron: 1 out to sea
Swallow: 1,301E  out
House Martin: 197E out
Meadow Pipit: 15E
Raven: 2 over power station
Harbour Porpoise: 3
The diagnostic underwing of a juvenile Arctic Tern
A juvenile Black Tern at the fishing boats this afternoon
A juvenile Arctic Skua at the fishing boats this afternoon
Another juvenile Arctic Skua at the fishing boats this afternoon
A Yellow-browed Warbler was found by John Young near the Pines at the ARC this morning, I managed to hear 1 call from it but sight as it quickly melted away.


  1. Once again, amazing pictures!

  2. Russell Brockett7 October 2024 at 21:06

    Thanks for the great images Martin. I’m sure I saw the first juv skua in your pics from my position a few yards away behind the next boat. It didn’t seem straightforward to separate it between juv pom and juv Arctic at the time partly because it appeared very “heavy” and lumbering in flight. However, your picture was very helpful. I still find distinguishing between the two at any distance far from straightforward unless you get a good view of the underwing ( or get a good pic to study!).

    1. Thanks Russell, I think we all have trouble separating them, that one reason I try to get some kind of image of all of them.
