Tuesday 1 October 2024


This Wheatear was still behind the fishing boats this morning

A very poor sea watch for the 1st October!
07.45-08.45 with RW from the fishing boats
Brent Goose: 8W
Common Scoter: 2E
Great-crested Grebe: 2 present
Common Tern: 1W
Sandwich Tern: 6W
Little Gull: 2W 
Black-headed Gull: 15W
Mediterranean Gull: 3W
Common Gull: 4W
Herring Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Red-throated Diver: 1W         
Gannet: 34W    c40 present
Cormorant: 33 present
Merlin: 1 in off
Swallow: 12  out
House Martin: 14
Wheatear: 1 present
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 2

Glossy Ibis at the ARC showing well from Hanson 
There are still good numbers of Shoveler and Gadwall present on what is left of the islands, the bushes held numerous Chiffchaffs, Cetti's Warblers were in good voice this morning around the ARC, a Raven flew over as did a few Golden Plover.
On Burrowes plenty of Lapwing, 2 Black Terns and a Common Tern and 100s of Hirundines. 23 Common Snipe were at Christmas Dell making use of the new islands.
At least 1 Garganey still present this morning
The Great-crested Grey is still feeding its demanding offspring
A lovely pristine Painted Lady by the track to Hanson 
Little Owl
Early afternoon I cycled down to the sandpit which is now rapidly filling with water and was devoid of waders. As I cycled past the Little Owls home it was out posing for me again, so again I took its photo.
Cycling past the main lake 2 Spoonbills flew by bringing me a sudden halt to snap them in flight, I watched them fly on the lake and land on the Herring Gull island. On my way back they had moved again to the eastern causeway. At the back of Scotney Farm 2 Green Sandpipers and 3 Wheatears were the highlights.
Spoonbills on Herring Gull Island
Spoonbill feeding by the eastern causeway with the other roosting nearby with unsavoury company

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