Thursday 26 September 2024


A day of strong winds and very squally showers, but disappointing sea watching.
A smart juvenile Common Gull at the fishing boats this morning
As you can see the islands are fast submerging on the ARC, also on Burrowes especially those from Dennis's Hide, at least we still have the viewpoints which are wonderfully useless in weather like today, which we will now have for next 6 months. I dare say all those people the RSPB claim to prefer viewpoints over hides will be queuing to get on them.
The Glossy Ibis was shining at the ARC when the sun came out
3 gorgeous female Pintail at the ARC this morning
Great White Egret at Cooks
Sanderling at the fishing boats this afternoon
Sand Martins leaving our shores at the fishing boats this afternoon

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