Thursday 19 September 2024


As you can see below the sea watching is still abysmal, probably due to the roaring NE winds blowing across the peninsular. The winds are also responsible for the lack of passerines apart from Hirundines that are still streaming through.
The sandpit has had a clear out of waders, now just a few Avocets and 2 each of Green and Common Sandpiper, The water levels on the ARC are still rising from the recent deluges now seeping through into the lake. This afternoon all I could find there was a Common Sandpiper and a few Lapwing. The track into the ARC car park was resurfaced today and is now nice and smooth.
The works on Christmas Dell/New Excavions has finished, the new islands look good, but time will tell if the Terns and Black-headed Gulls nest there, also the on going maintenance of the islands could be an issue due to lack of staff. The digger is now starting work on Denge Marsh creating 3 islands which will no doubt have the same maintenance issues, also I believe some rafts are to be deployed on Denge Marsh.
The weather at the weekend is shaping up to be quite good for birding.🤞
07.35-08.35 from the hide with RW, OL

Brent Goose: 2E
Wigeon: 2E
Common Scoter: 7 on sea
Dunlin: 3E      
Sandwich Tern: 38E           
Common Tern: 6E
Black-headed Gull: present n/c
Mediterranean Gull: 2E
Herring Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Arctic Skua: 1E
Gannet: 22E      
Cormorant: Present n/c
Swallow: 362SE
Sand Martin: 13SE
House Martin: 7SE
Meadow Pipit: 4NE
Harbour Porpoise: c6
Grey Seal: 1
Yellow Wagtails at Boulderwall today

Cattle Egrets at Boulderwall today

Green Woodpecker at the ARC
1st calendar year Caspian Gull at the fishing boats yesterday

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