Monday 8 July 2024


An unsurprisingly mediocre sea watch this morning.
08.10-09.10 from the hide with RW & OL

Common Scoter: 1E
Oystercatcher: 4W
Kittiwake: 2E
Black-headed Gull:c30 present
Mediterranean Gull: 1E  3W
Herring Gull: present
Great Black-backed Gull: c10 present
Sandwich Tern: 7W     c10 present
Common Tern: 1W
Fulmar: 1W
Manx Shearwater: 1E
Gannet: 19W     17E
A bit of good news for a change, the first Avocet chick has hatched at the ARC this morning. It is the first Avocet chick I have seen on the Dungeness Reserve.

Common and Sandwich tern dropping into the ARC to bathe
Juvenile Sandwich Tern with its parent
A Little tern that flew through yesterday
3 adult Cattle Egrets that dropped into the ARC this afternoon
Eclipse drake Garganey this evening at the ARC
One of the 1,000s of Swifts that came through the peninsular at the weekend, the ARC remains the most productive part of the reserve avian wise. There is a possibility that some Common Terns will nest on Burrowes Islands as they are showing some interest.
6 of 17 Green Sandpipers at Scotney sand pit at the weekend
Yet another Gull doomed to die a lingering death due to the carelessness of anglers
A stunning Argyresthia brockeella a common micro but always nice to see 

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