Wednesday 3 July 2024


Great White Egret at the ARC this morning
The Mandarin Duck was still present though keeping its distance, as was the Garganey, a new Ruffwas feeding on the islands with a Common Sandpiper and several Ringed Plovers. The 2 Oystercatcher chicks are doing well with one of them feeding itself, also the Avocet is still sitting tight despite yesterdays disturbance. 2 Wigeon are present among the huge numbers of Pochard, Gadwall and Coot. Tufted Duck families are noticeable by there absence as usually there are several broods around the lake by now.
Norwegian ringed Great Black-backed Gull J99AM on the beach near The Patch this morning. Just 5 Mediterranean Gulls, a Sandwich Tern and just a very few of the usual Gulls at The Patch and no sign of any juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls.
I was watching this Hobby hawking the Dragonflies over the field opposite my garden at lunch time, eventually it came close enough for a snap. A Common Buzzard was on its chosen post upsetting the pair of Yellow Wagtails nesting close by.
An afternoon visit to the sand pit in constant drizzle found a minimum of 6 Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, a Redshank, 3 Black-tailed Godwits and 14 Avocet including a chick. The Sand Martins appear to have fledged and left the site, a couple of Yellow Wagtails were still present.

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