Tuesday 11 June 2024


In 90 minutes early morning the ARC I didn't see a single Bee, hopefully it was only because the temperature was 7° ridiculously low for this time of year, I didn't bother with the moth traps either. The pair of Avocets at the ARC finally look as though they will nest, I have seen them mating and making a nest scrape. Hopefully there will be no serious rain in the coming weeks so that the islands will good for returning migrants.
Another wander around the reserve today saw very little change, still 4 Avocets on the hay fields but no sign of the Garganey, though it could easily be hiding in the sedge. The cold north wind seems to have a subdued effect on all the birds as very little song was heard. 
Superb display by several 100s of Swifts at the ARC last night

Sucking in the insects

Hobby in the morning heat haze despite the cold wind

Brown Hare from last night

Surveying its domain

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